Chicago Med

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Matt's POV: I paced anxiously along with Kidd; Kelly's fiancee, awaiting news on Kelly. The whole of 51 had since piled In the waiting room, just as anxious. I looked around and saw each and every one of our firefighter's faces covered in soot; soot is the result of a fire. It's a powdery black substance that occurs when the fire doesn't completely burn the fuel source. While still pacing back and forth with Kidd. Nor I or Kidd are able to sit down let alone stay still, We're to nervous. Finally I saw Kelly's doctor; Dr. Rhodes, come into the waiting room, Our Chief, myself and Kidd approached him. "So good and bad news." Dr. Rhodes said. "Okay, what's the news??" I asked him. "Well he has a concussion, and smoke inhalation. That's the good news." Dr. Rhodes explains. "And the bad??" Kidd asked Dr. Rhodes. "He unfortunately has to stay for observation for a good few days." Dr. Rhodes says. "Can we see him?" Stella and I asked him, "Not yet, he's not awake yet and he needs rest. I'm sorry." Dr. Rhodes said to us. "Understandable" I said.

Kelly's POV: I woke up and I was in Chicago med, I don't remember what happened. I remember myself looking for James and Hannah, but that was all I could remember. Dr. Rhodes knocked on the door, "Come in" I said, groggily, and holding my head. "I see you're awake, how are we feeling?" Dr. Rhodes asked me. "I don't remember." I said. "Wait where's my brother?!" I asked, trying to get out of bed, and fighting to get my  cardio leads off.  "Kelly, hey. Stay In bed!" Dr. Rhodes rushed to me, and made me sit back down. "How's my brother?!" I asked, worriedly. Dr. Rhodes told me to sit back down, and I did. "Unfortunately, James suffered 3rd and 4th degree burns over 75% of his body and probably won't make it past tonight." He explained. If I wasn't already sitting down, I would have fallen to the floor. I looked at Dr. Rhodes, and immediately started crying. "Ca-can I see him?" I asked with a quivering voice. "Kelly, you need to rest' is normally what'd I say. But given the circumstances, Yes" Dr. Rhodes agreed, "But you're sitting in a wheelchair "he said. I laughed, "Deal" and with help from Dr. Rhodes I got off the bed and Into the wheelchair.

Stella's POV: I checked the time, and it was past 3:30, "Shoot!" I said. "What?!" Casey asked, with a concerned look. "The girls!" I said, looking over at Chief Boden. "Go, we'll stay here and update you until you get back" He told me. "I'll come with you" Casey told me. Both Casey and I hurried out to the parking lot and to the rig. I jumped up in the driver's seat, and Casey in the passenger seat. I drove the rig to the girls' school, and we got out, ran inside and looked around. "There they are!" I said to Casey, the girls are sitting in the front office. We walked over to them and bent down to them, "Girls, how would you like to ride in a firetruck?" I asked them. "Why? What happened?" Charlotte, the older of the two asked. "Uh" I said, looking at Casey, for a little bit of assistance. "Who doesn't like riding In a firetruck?" Casey said. 'They know' I thought to myself. 'Busted' Casey also thought to himself. "Ok, so the thing is... Your parents were involved in a bad house fire.. they're at Med along with your Uncle Kelly.." I said, fighting back my own tears. Charlotte and Scarlett looked at each other and jumped up from their seats, almost headbutting Casey and I by accident. "Let's go!!" the girls said, running out to the rig parked out front. We followed behind, I helped Scarlett into the back of the rig, Matt helped Charlotte, and we headed to Med.

Charlotte's POV: We're on the way to Med, I'm scared for my parents, and my uncle. I was pretty silent the whole way there, I was wondering how bad the injuries were. We arrived at Med, I wasted no time and jumped out of the rig, I fell but got right back up and ran straight into the hospital. Stella raced in after me, "Charlotte!" she called after me. I ran straight into Chief Boden by accident, "Hey there," I looked up at him and instantly started crying. "Hey now, don't cry" he said, soothingly, pulling me into his chest and holding me as I cried.

Scarlett's POV: I was just as scared as my big sister, but I waited for Mr. Matt to help me from the rig, honestly I am scared to jump out of the rig by myself, it's a big jump for little ol me. Mr. Matt picked me up and helped me out of the rig, I grabbed his hand and we walked inside. When we walked inside, I found my big sister crying into Chief Boden's chest. I let go of Mr. Matt's hand, and slowly walked over to them. I looked up at Chief Boden and I too started to cry. Chief Boden pulled me into his chest as well, "It's going to be alright, girls" He said, reassuringly.

Kelly's POV: I was wheelchaired into James room, he had a tube down his throat and a ventilator breathing for him. Honestly if I hadn't seen stuff like this before, I'd be scared not going to lie, I mean I am terrified. It's different seeing my only brother laying there in a hospital bed with a tube down his throat. I grabbed his hand, as Dr. Rhodes scooted me closer to his bed. "I love you, brother" I said, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Is Hannah; my sister In law, in the same condition?" I asked Dr. Rhodes, standing behind me. "Unfortunately, yes." He answered me. "If you must go, you can.. I have your girls.. You can go now brother, I will always love you, man" I said, wiping away my tears with my other hand. Dr. Rhodes let me stay there for a while with him, "Take all the time you need, I'll come back to check on you guys" he said and left. I laid my head down on his hospital bed, still holding his hand.

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