Saved by the call

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No one's POV: Kelly, Stella and, Matt are getting ready to leave for their shift. It's Summer break, so schools are out for the next 3 months and normally the girls would stay with their sitter overnight but she's unavailable for the next few weeks. Charlotte enters her Aunt and Uncle's bedroom. "Who's supposed to watch us?" She asks. "Cindy." Kelly answers. "I don't want to go over to their house." Charlotte rolls her eyes. "Plus Lee Henry always annoying me and, boys are gross." she adds and scoffs in disgust. "I know Lee Henry is a little punk at times, but he means well." Kelly replies. "You're right, boys are gross." Stella agrees with her. Kelly shoots her a death glare, followed by, "You know I'm right here, right?"
Stella smiles, "Yes, yes I'm aware." and laughs. "Uhm, hello. Do I not get a say In this?" Charlotte replies. "Normally, Yes. But you lost my trust when you told Matt you were going to the park and instead you met up with your plug." Kelly tells his niece. "Ugh, whatever! You used to be so cool! You're lame now!" Charlotte stormed out of their bedroom and bumps into her little sister. "Yeah that was until I became your legal guardian overnight. I miss being able to be the fun uncle again and now I'm the bad guy." Kelly says. Scarlett stood outside their bedroom. "Uncle Kelly, Aunt Stella.." her little voice could be heard from the hallway. "You can come in, kiddo." Kelly tells her, Scarlett enters the room. "Why Lotte so mean?" She asks her voice not above a mere whisper. "She doesn't want to go to Hermann's house today." Stella answers. "Why we going to Mr. Hermann's house?" Scarlett replies. "We have a shift today, Scar." Kelly says, grabbing her and setting her on the dresser. "I don't want you to go to work." Scarlett cries. "We have too, my little love." Stella says, gently.

Kelly, Stella and Matt finish up getting ready and are about to leave. "Why can't I just stay here? I'm 12 years old!" Charlotte protests. "Because you're not 14. Illinois law states that you have to be at least 14 to stay home alone. And to be honest I don't trust you." Kelly answers. "You're so unfair and so not cool! I liked you better as the fun uncle! I want him back. I hate living here!" Charlotte leaves and angrily stomps all the way down the hallway and to the elevators. Kelly locks the apartment up, slings his duffle bag over his shoulder and takes Stella's hand. Matt is carrying Scarlett and they head to the elevators. "I'm cool right?" Kelly asks his fiancee and best friend. "Totally, babe." Stella answers. "Definitely." Matt replies.
They head downstairs and outside to Stella's jeep and Matt heads to his truck after he hands Scarlett off to Kelly. "See you two at the firehouse." he says, opening the door and throwing his bag inside his truck. He gets in and drives off.

Stella and Kelly drive over to Hermann's house, standing there on the porch is Hermann, Cindy and their youngest son, Kenny. Stella and Kelly get out, Stella opens Charlotte's door and Kelly opens Scarlett's door. He grabs her hand and her little bookbag, Cindy walks down the 6 porch steps and bends down to Scarlett. "Hi little miss Scarlett." Cindy greets with a friendly smile. Charlotte is still in the car, pouting. "Hi." Scarlett says, shyly. She's hiding behind Kelly. "We don't bite, kid." Hermann says, jokingly. "I mean Annabelle might if you piss her off." He mumbles. "Hey listen, it's just for one sleep. I promise you aunt Stella and I will be right back for you two after our shift. I love you." Kelly kisses her on the head. Scarlett moves from the safety of her uncle. "Hey you want to go play with our daughter?" Cindy offers her hand out. Scarlett looks up at her uncle with pleading eyes, "Go ahead baby." Kelly encourages her. "And remember if you get scared and want to talk to Uncle Matt, Aunt Stella, or I, have Mrs. Cindy call Hermann and he can get one of us. I love you." Kelly tells Scarlett, kissing her on the head again and bending down to give her a tight squeeze. Scarlett takes Cindy's hand and heads inside with her. She gets comfortable enough after a few minutes and goes to play with Annabelle. Now it's time to get Charlotte to go inside. "Come on, Charlotte. We are late for our shift." Kelly tells his oldest niece. But she doesn't budge from her seat. "Charlotte Anne Villain. Get out of the car now." Kelly tells her again, this time more sternly. "Ugh! Fine!" Charlotte angrily grabs her bookbag, gets out of the car and slams the door shut behind her. "Don't slam doors!" Kelly scolds, annoyance clear in his tone. "Whatever!!" Charlotte yells, stomping her way up the porch steps and inside the house. She threw her bookbag down next to the couch before flopping down on the couch and crossing her arms. "I'm so sorry. She's been in a mood all week." Kelly apologizes to Hermann. "Ah, don't sweat it, pal." Hermann replies. "And that mood is called being a teenager." He adds. "Tell Cindy again thank you so much!" Stella says, before getting back into her jeep. "I will, Stel." Hermann says with a wink. "And Kelly, she's in good hands. Lee Henry and Luke are constantly getting into fights and getting auttides. She'll be okay." He adds with a reassuring smile. "I hope so.." Kelly replies as he gets into the passenger side of Stella's jeep. "See you at the firehouse. Drive safe." He adds. "Always!" Hermann smiles before heading inside to say goodbye to Cindy and the kids.

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