The big cookout!

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It was a beautiful, sunny, summer day. Everyone is getting ready for a huge combined cookout at a local playground. The older kids, Charlotte, Lee Henry, Luke, Max, Annabelle, Owen, Alex and Alexis were running, kicking around a soccer ball between them as their phones were taken by Hank and Wallace. Now normally the teens would argue and protest this 'injustice' as they would call it but no one argues with those two big fellows. The younger kids, Charlotte, Javi, Kenny, Terrance (Terry) and Makayla are on the playground equipment and the youngest ones, Otis Jr, Nathaniel, Sophia, and Ryder are playing on a huge blanket underneath a shady tree nearby the picnic table with Blake. He loves kids, and Sophia and Ryder are his and Violet's first kids, so he's soaking it all up while he can.

Wallace is manning the grill, accompanied by Hank watching their guys getting their asses kicked by some of the ladies in a game of corn hole while having a cold one each. Shortly after everyone was called to eat, and the grounds shook from the hungry kids, firefighters and police officers charging the tables. As everyone finished up their food, Adam and Kim had brought out the Nerf guns, and therefore broke out one of the biggest battles between adults and kids. Donna, Trudy, and Cindy laughed their butts off at the biggest kids as they call them, try to hide and keep from getting ambushed by the children. While Ryder, Sophia, Otis Jr and Nathaniel nap peacefully on the huge soft blanket laid out for them. The battle went on for for over an hour and by the end of it, nerf bullets cover the ground, the kids were all sweaty and muggy now. Hank and Wallace had run to the store and returned with three coolers full to the brim with icy pops, water bottles, and soda for everyone. The group sat down to enjoy the frozen treats, and rehydrate themselves but the fun wasn't over just yet!

Kelly and Stella had brought a little blow up pool for the babies for when they awoke from their naps, and water balloons for the rest of the kids and adults. The park has a push water fountain, so Kelly filled up the little kiddy pool while Stella helped the kids fill up the water balloons. Then the real fun began. As anyone was basically a target at this point minus the babies, the kids ambushed the adults with water balloons, laughing, giggling and just having a grand ole time. But the adults were prepared and had water guns! Matt had some empty 5 gallon buckets from his construction gigs; his side hustle when not working at 51, and ran to his truck to grab them. Everyone was nearly soaked by the end, but Hank and Wallace. Those two big shots had warned their men and ladies that anyone who tried anything would regret it! But of course that did not stop Matt and Kelly from grabbing a bucket and dumping it on their beloved Chief. Everyone busted out in laughter.

Hank thought he was in the clear until his unit ran up on him like a raid. "Put your hands up!" They all playfully yelled to Hank. He slowly turned around, his hands raised, playing along just to be attacked by his unit and the kids. He was now also drenched and laughing his ass off from all the fun. No one thought to bring towels or spare clothes and now the kids were tired, some, mainly the younger kids are getting cranky as they're soaking wet. So some of the adults had ran down the street to the dollar store in wringing wet clothes and grabbed as many towels they could find for everyone.

Now that everyone was somewhat dried off, it's time to clean up their mess from the Nerf bullets and remains of the water balloons. Everyone worked together to get the park cleaned up, and afterwards to finish the day off, everyone headed home to change clothes and then go to Blake and Violet's place for a bonfire! The kids sat around the fire on the blanket used earlier for the babies, roasting marshmallows while Matt and Will; the singers of the clan, led the group in campfire songs! And they all sang or tried their hardest at least. This day is definitely one for the books!


Scarlett and Charlotte are obviously Stella and Kelly's nieces, Nathaniel is their first child(8 months). Lee Henry, Luke, Max, Annabelle and Kenny are Christopher and Cindy's kids, Ryder and Sophia (10 months) are Blake and Violet's kids, Terrance (Terry) is Chief's (Wallace) and Donna's son, Javi is Cruz and Chloe's adoptive son and Otis Jr is their bio son, Makayla is Adam and Kim's adoptive daughter, Owen is Nat's son and Alex and Alexis are Erin and Jay's twins.

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