Going home

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Stella's POV: Scarlett walked over to me, rubbing her eyes, and yawning. “Tired, babygirl?” I asked her. She nodded her head, “Come here, sweetheart” I said, picking her up and setting her on my lap. She laid her head down on my shoulder, I played with her hair as she fell asleep. Charlotte walked over and sat down next to me, resting her head on my other shoulder and ended up falling asleep as well. We've been here for hours now. Both of the girls are hungry. They've had a few snacks from the vending machine, but they need to eat an actual dinner. Chief and the rest of the firefighters besides Matt, drove the rigs back to the firehouse. Chief came back to the hospital with his SUV. “You and Matt take the girls home, get them fed and put to bed, take my car” he said, handing Matt the keys and sitting down, “I'll call you as soon as I get another update” Matt took his keys. “Thank you, Chief” we both said.

Matt's POV: I picked up Scarlett from Stella's lap, situated her in my arms, trying my best not to wake her. Stella stood and picked up Charlotte and we walked out of Med. Stella sat in the back with the girls, I sat Charlotte down in the back seat, buckled her in and Stella held Scarlett In her lap. Normally Scarlett would be in a booster seat, but it's just this one time. The girls stayed asleep, resting their heads on Stella's shoulders. I drove back to mine, Stella and Kelly's 3 bedroom apartment. I got out, opened the back door, carefully picked up Scarlett and then Stella got out and picked up Charlotte. I unlocked the door with my free hand after struggling to find them, then dropping the keys all while still holding Scarlett in my arms. We walked inside and I laid Scarlett down and Stella did the same with Charlotte, I covered the girls up with a throw blanket while Stella went to the kitchen to make something quick and easy for dinner. I walked in the kitchen as well, grabbed a beer and sat down on a bar stool, taking a few sips.

Charlotte's POV: I woke up at Uncle Kelly's place, wondering how I got there. I looked around and quickly started to panic, I sat up and my started to heart race, I think I'm having a panic attack. The last thing I remember is me crying and falling asleep on my Aunt Stella's shoulder. Aunt Stella and Matt ran over to me, I was infact having a panic attack. “Why are we here? And not at the hospital?!” I asked, my voice shaking along with my hands. I started to hyperventilate, my chest starting to hurt and getting tighter each time I took a breath.

Matt's POV: “Hey, hey. Slow breaths, kiddo” I said, showing her. “Like me” I said, sitting next to her. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. I looked at Stella and mouthed, “I got this, go make dinner” and Stella walked back to the kitchen rubbishing through the fridge. After a few minutes, Charlotte slowly started to calm down.

(I am not sexist by the way, both gender roles should be able to do everything that opposite sexes can do)

Charlotte's POV: I calmed down with help from Matt. I looked over at my baby sister still sleeping and she looks so peaceful. Even though she can be a real pain In my butt, she'll always be my baby sister and I'll always love her! “Why are we here? I want to go back to the hospital! I want my Mom and Dad!” I cried. “We'll go back after you eat something other than snacks from the vending machine, kiddo.” Matt told me. “I want to go back NOW!!” I accidentally yelled, waking up my baby sister. Scarlett rubbed her eyes, sat up and gave me her famous RBF. “Sorry, baby sis” I said. “Kiddo, you can go back after you eat” Matt told me again, but I wasn't having it. I got up from the couch, ran to the door and opened it, I ran down the hallway. “I'm going back to the hospital!!” I yelled, running down the hall. Matt ran after me and he grabbed me by the arm, turned me around to face him. I thought I was in trouble and started to cry again, he bent down to my level. “Kiddo, you can't just run away and leave. I understand that you're upset, scared and worried about your parents, and uncle. We are too. But I promise you as soon as you eat something, we will take you back to the hospital.” Matt explained to me. “Sorry” I said, avoiding eye contact with him. We walked back down the hall and into the apartment. “Hey babygirl, what do you want for dinner?” My Aunt Stella asked me, I shrugged my shoulders at her. “Not really hungry” I lied, I'm starving. I haven't ate anything except lunch from school and the few snacks I got from the vending machine. “How about a ham and cheese sandwich then?” My Aunt Stella suggested, “Yeah sure” I agreed, sitting on a bar stool next to Matt. I rested my hands on the kitchen island and laid my head down.

Scarlett's POV: I sat on the couch, I was mad that my sissy woke me up, scared for my parents and uncle and just scared in general. “I'm hungry” I said, yawning. “What do you want, baby?” my Aunt Stella asked. “Samwich”  I said, getting off the couch and walking over to Mr. Matt. I tugged on his shirt and he picked me up, I sat on his lap and started to fall asleep again. My Aunt Stella placed a plate in front of me, I took a bite. “Thanks Aunt Stella” I said, sleepily. “You're so welcome, my love” she said back.

(ik how to spell the word sandwich)

Charlotte's POV: I ate my sandwich and got off the bar stool, put my shoes on and said, “Can we go back now?” impatiently. “As soon as miss Scarlett here is finished, yes.” Matt said. I became very annoyed, my sister who i love very, very much, is a slow eater. It takes her sometimes up to a hour to eat her food, especially when she's not feeling well. “Scarlett, hurry up!!” I impatiently, said once again . “Sorry” Scarlett said In a low whisper, burying her head in Matt's chest. “Hey, you're alright, ok?” Matt assured Scarlett. “Eat your sandwich” Aunt Stella told Scarlett, she took a few more bites. “Can we please go now?!” I asked again, tapping my foot angrily. “Yes, Charlotte” my Aunt Stella said.

Scarlett's POV: I'm not feeling well, my head's hot, I'm so tired and all I want to do is sleep. “Mr. Matt, Aunt Stella” I said, “I don't feel good” Matt felt my forehead, “Yeah kid, you're burning up” He said. “I'll get the motrin” my Aunt Stella said, walking upstairs and grabbing the motrin, and a medicine syringe, she returned and I buried my head in Matt's chest again. “No I don't want it!” I said, starting to cry. Aunt Stella and Matt had to bribe me to take the medicine. I was not happy with either of them right now. All I wanted to do is have someone hold me, like my mommy or daddy does when I don't feel good.

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