Chapter 2

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Disclaimer:I do not own Sonic or Equestria girls,they are owned by Sega, Hasbro Studios/Allspark Animation productions,and Paramount picture.If you have not watched the new Sonic movie yet I highly advice you to not read this until you do,you have been warned for spoilers!

Chapter 2-A New World

A few months Later

Present Day

Sonic(Narrator):Alright everyone before you start saying how you've got a weird de ja vu from me narrating this,that's because I'm doing this again.Alright let me just start this off with a little explanation for what's been going for the last few months since we've been stuck in this supposed new reality.

Sonic could be seen running in top speeds as he runs past a few buildings with him running up the tallest one before looking down onto a school which wasn't to far away.

Sonic(Narrator):This is Canterlot city,home of really interesting people.Still not as good as Green hill but i got to say it's still top tier.But the most intriguing part is Canterlot High,you know sunset's school where her friends go.We have the funny and obnoxious party house,Pinkie pie.The classy and amazing designer Rarity,the hardworking and howdy girl Applejack which kinda almsot reminds me of knuckles,the sweet and lovely animal expert Fluttershy.The most sportsmanship and awesome competitor Rainbow das and the smart and caring twilight sparkle which I got to me Tails vibes.

(Scene shows each of the different girls doing their own thing,Pinkie pie making a cupcake before it blows up in her face causing cream to go everywhere.Rarity designing a dress before showing it to other people which causes applauses from people around her.Applejack caring a few boxes as she helps with the school supplies before dropping it off.Fluttershy sitting down in front of a tree while petting a bunny.Rainbow dash kicking a soccer ball towards a net which causes her to score as she fist bumps the air.Twilight reading a book as her dog spike barks adorably which causes her to look over and smile at the dog.)

Somic(Narrator):Ho ho,you didn't think I would forgot about the incredible and most caring of them all...Sunset shimmer.

From the distance,Sunset shimmer could be seen helping someone as she comforted them in their time in need just how Sonic did a few months back.

Sonic(Narrator):Although I've only visited time to time,it's amazing how much she's grown.But seeing her happy fills me with joy,like eating three chili dogs all at once.It's only been a few months and she's managed to turn her life around for the better.

Sonic then leans back before landing on the ground before running back to the woods.

Sonic(Narrator):But enough about them,if your wondering how me and the boys are doing...I gotta say we're doing just fine.

Later With Sunset Shimmer

Sunset Shimmer was currently reading a book when she heard knocking from her front door.She then stood up from her desk before walking to the door and opening it revealing no other then-

Sunset Shimmer:You're late...Flash Sentry.

Flash could be seen scratching his head while looking away nervously.

Flash:Sorry about that,I had trouble with something before I got here.

Sunset Shimmer:You better come inside,you don't want to catch a cold now do you?

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