Chapter 14

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Disclaimer:I do not own Sonic or Equestria girls,they are owned by Sega, Hasbro Studios/Allspark Animation productions,and Paramount picture.If you have not watched the new Sonic movie yet I highly advice you to not read this until you do,you have been warned for spoilers!

Chapter 14-To space we go/Let the final clash unfold

Sonic had woken up from his recovering as got up from the ground before walking to the others.Rainbow Dash soon rushed to his aid only for the blue hedgehog to wave her off before walking towards Tails as he asked.

Sonic:How much longer until we get there...

Tails:You woke up just in time,we're here.

Tails the landed the ship as they saw a small temple in ahead as each of them descended down the ship,Everyone got their things ready as they left the ship as Flash could only ask.

Flash:What is this place?

Tails:Me and twilight did some research,apparently there were building some kind of ship here over 30 years ago,but due to money cost and fighting amongst the workers it was abandoned.

Applejack:How do y'all know it's still operational after all this time.

Sci-Twi:It's not...but with power the emerald-

Knuckles:It would generate enough energy for the machine to work and which in turn will send us to the colony,you and the fox are geniuses!

Rainbow Dash:Then what are you waiting for for,Sunset needs our help!

It didn't take long for the others to enter inside the temple as they saw the small ship aiming upward to the sky.Twilight opened the door as they entered inside to see the old ship which was barely operational.Thankfully they didn't need to worry as Tails managed to find a power drive as he replaced it with the emerald.The ship then began to glow green in color as the others buckled themselves for the upcoming trip.

Tails:Everybody ready?

One by one each of them started to agree as Tails operated the small space ship,before Pinkie Pie excitedly yelled

Pinkie Pie:Buckle up everyone,we're taking to the skies!!

Tails:Taking off in 3...2...1...

Tails and Twilight could only operate the ship as the little fox found the controls for the ship as the ship then started to blast of slowly which pushed back everyone against their chairs.A few of them started screaming as they blasted off into space as the ship could only shake from the outside before finally stabilizing itself.

Back with Shadow

Shadow could only walked slowly down ark while reflecting back on what had just happened a few hours ago,what that girl did earlier made him curious on what she saw that made her feel pity for him.Without thinking,Shadow stopped again near the door where he had once locked her before unlocking it as what he saw made him even more shocked.From far away,Sunset Shimmer could be seen sleeping with a bunch of papers and books scattered across the room.However,what shocked him the most is when he walked over to her as he picked up one of the papers on the ground revealing it to be Maria's journal.

That's when Shadow noticed that the papers around him were all relating to him and Maria as Sunset Shimmer had searched and read about information about them for hours to the point of exhaustion.The black hedgehog noticed her holding a picture of him and Maria as it made his expression soften.Shadow looked at the girl sleeping softly as he wondered why such a human would want to know more about him so badly.Just what game was she this trying to play on him.

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