Chapter 20-Memory Madness part 2

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Disclaimer:I do not own Sonic or Equestria girls,they are owned by Sega, Hasbro Studios/Allspark Animation productions,and Paramount picture.If you have not watched the new Sonic movie yet I highly advice you to not read this until you do,you have been warned for spoilers!

Chapter 20-Memory Madness part 2

The Next Morning

As the sun had risen again, the sound of the school's bell rang across the hallway of Canterlot high as lunch had already started. Sunset and the gang could be seen sitting down while talking with one another. However, one of them seemed to be spacing out as Sunset looked around with a worried expression which caught the attention of her friends, especially twilight.

Sci-Twi: Sunset? Are you okay?

Sunset Shimmer turned her head slightly to reply back to her.

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah I'm okay I'm just...wondering where Sonic is right now, he said he was gonna show up today but so far I haven't seen him, have you guys?

Rainbow Dash: Nope, didn't even see him at P.E today.

Sci-Twi: Weirdly enough, I didn't see Tails at all during advance physics.

Sunset Shimmer: From what I remember, Sonic said that he had to give Wallflower something after dropping Tails back at their place. But I checked with Tom this morning and he said they haven't seen them since yesterday.

Fluttershy: You think something must've happened to them last night?

Applejack: Ah highly doubt it, those boys know how to take care of themselves. Maybe they decided to skip school just for today.

Rarity: Let's hope so.

Sunset Shimmer: I just wish he told me then, these last few days he's been busying doing his own thing and leaving us all in the dark about what's going on.

Pinkie Pie: Oh right, he's been hanging around that Wallflower girl for quite some time! Something tells me she doesn't really like you that much Sunset since you probably weren't so nice to her back when you were the biggest school meanie!

The others have Pinkie Pie either a questionable look or a harsh glare as she could only laugh awkwardly as Sunset looked down shamefully. However, the awkward situation Pinkie got herself into would soon change as from the corner of her eyes, Pinkie pie was able to spot Wallflower walking past them.

Pinkie Pie: Haha speaking of Wallflower, there she is right now!!

Sunset and the others turned to where Pinkie pie pointed as she sat alone eating Lunch by herself. Feeling the need to ask her if Sonic and Tails were okay, Sunset got up from her seat before telling the others.

Sunset Shimmer: I'll be right back, I'm just gonna check

Sci-Twi: Wait Sunset, I don't think that's a good-

Before she could finish her sentence, Sunset had already gotten up from her seat and walked over to Wallflower who looked surprisingly in a good mood. That was until she lifted her head up to see Sunset sitting next to her which soured the mood for her.

Wallflower Blush: Oh it's you...

Sunset Shimmer: Wallflower was it? I've been meaning to ask you if you where Sonic and Tails are?

Wallflower Blush: Last time I checked, they decided to stay in at my place since it was getting late.

Sunset Shimmer: Well that's a relief, say how about we get know each other.

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