Chapter 19-Memory Madness Part 1

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Disclaimer:I do not own Sonic or Equestria girls,they are owned by Sega, Hasbro Studios/Allspark Animation productions,and Paramount picture.If you have not watched the new Sonic movie yet I highly advice you to not read this until you do,you have been warned for spoilers!

Note: This arc would be different from canon with smaller minor changes to make the sorry have more action along with a classical adventure with our heroes. I felt as if this arc was somewhat short and anti-climatic so I wanted to add some things to just give this a more satisfying story. Hope you enjoy part 1 and I promise the other parts are in production.

Chapter 19-Memory stone

It was a normal day in Canterlot, the sun was rising and the birds were doing their usual chirping noises in the morning. It had almost seemed peaceful as the streets of the town seemed empty. That was until a certain blue hedgehog was seen zooming through the streets with a blue flash. Sonic could be seen zooming across the entire town with him jumping into the air to swing on the poles time to time.

Sonic Narrator: Alright people so let's get this started. It's been awhile since the whole space colony ark thing and things have been looking pretty bright lately. Ever Tom and Maddie decided to stay here to avoid G.U.N from constantly spying on us, me and the others have been actually able to live peacefully. Before any of you ask about the repercussions about moving into another world, People here are far more nicer then back home so find a job wasn't as hard as we thought it would be. Since this town barely had any people as sheriff in this town, Tom decided to take that position and so far he's been doing alright.

Scene cuts to Tom in his police car pulling someone over before walking towards the car and knocking on their window. As they did, Tom could see it was one of the students from Canterlot as he could only sigh before telling him.

Tom: We talked about this...what did we say about following the speed limit.

???: Sorry Mr. Wachowski, it's just I was running late for something and-*sigh* I'm sorry.

Tom: C'mon you know better then that, don't let me start giving you tickets now.

Sonic Narrator: Maddie found a job working at an animal shelter, she takes care of the animals here and helps them back to health.

Scene shows Maddie helping a small adorable bunny before sitting it down with the other bunnies.

Sonic Narrator: As for Knuckles, well...he kinda just sits home and guards the Master emerald like a hawk. Everywhere he goes, that thing goes along with him. Even in the me that thing even lights up the bathroom if he were to break the lights by accident. As for Sunset and the others, they've been just living their ordinary lives...with me being forced to to go to their school. Speaking of which, things have been pretty peaceful lately,Eggman's gone into hiding and so far there hasn't been anything crazy going on lately. As for Shadow...well more on him later.

Sonic could only leap across building to building before jumping down to the ground below while curling into his spin dash and speeding off across the streets. Sonic could only do this for a few more seconds before continuing to dash once more.

Sonic Narrator: So you may be wondering, why the heck is someone like me looking like he's running away like a manic? Well, I'll tell ya why! Today is Monday and school is about to start. But Sonic, why do you have to go to school, your too cool for that right? We'll ever since Sunset basically convinced my parents that I should go to a hell zon-I mean school, I've been coming up with ways to skip such a thing. How you may ask? That's easy, step one, leave a note saying that your going to school early. Step two, run as fast as you can and don't look back!!

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