Chapter 15-Final

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Disclaimer:I do not own Sonic or Equestria girls,they are owned by Sega, Hasbro Studios/Allspark Animation productions,and Paramount picture.If you have not watched the new Sonic movie yet I highly advice you to not read this until you do,you have been warned for spoilers!

(Art and designs for Super Sonic and Super Shadow we're done by borrowing Christian2099 artwork and I give full credit to his amazing designs for Sonic characters or live action,link to his artwork is

Chapter 15-The final battle to save the planet.

Sonic and the others could only process the information that Sunset Shimmer had given them as the ground beneath started to shake once more.

Rarity:How do we stop such a thing from happening!

Sunset Shimmer:We don't have much time,the ark is probably approaching the earth at high velocity and if we don't stop it in time,it will hit the earth killing everyone.

Sonic:Then what are waiting for,let's stop this thing once and for all!

Tom:You guys go,I'll stay here with Eggman over here...don't want this guy getting away this time!

Dr.Robotnik:Touché sheriff!

Sonic could only give a thumbs up before turning to the others as they discussed their next course of action.

Applejack:So what's the plan y'all?!

Sonic:This thing activated when I gave the fake emerald to the canon before it sunk into the lower levels,it's using that power to draw itself down to the earth below us.

Sci-Twi:I'm guessing that to stop this thing from colliding to earth,we'll need to use the real Master Emerald's power which in turn will have enough power to stop the fake emerald and send this thing back into orbit.

Tails:I've checked the map for this place before we got here,apparently deep inside the core of the ark is where the true power source is....maybe we could stop it here!

Fluttershy:But how could stop something like this,I don't know if we're capable enough to stop a space canon from crashing.

Sunset Shimmer:Look we're not strong enough to stop this on our own...but there's so much of us.Our speed...our smarts...our strength...our bound is what we need to best this!

Knuckles:We make our last stand here...the world is depending on us.

Sonic:This is it...this is our moment,now let's go save the world!!


Sonic and the others then got to work as they left the room as Tom and Maddie stayed on guard.While running there,Sunset a shimmer then ran the opposite direction as Twilight could only ask.

Sci-Twi:Sunset Shimmer,where are you going?!

Sunset Shimmer:To find help,and I know just who to find!

Back with Shadow

Shadow arrived in the same spot as always as he looked down on the planet beneath him as he crossed his arms while saying.

Shadow:It's done have been avenge!

A moment of silence engulfed the room as Shadow stared down to the earth beneath him as he reflected back on everything that lead up to this point.He had finally achieved his goal,soon the colony would crash against the planet and all life that exist down the planet below would disappear forever.At last,all that was left was to wait for the inevitable.From the reflection of the glass window,Shadow showed no emotions other than his usual dark and cold expression,with him just staring out into the dark and empty void of space.

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