Chapter 1- first day

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*Sunoos Pov*
*ring ring ring*
Kim sunoo get up if not i'll dump cold water on you hurry its your first day of school in a new school. Ugh mom it's to early to wake up. KIM SUNOO if you don't get up-. Ok Ok im up now i'll go shower and get ready ok? Yeah you better if not i'll beat your ass now hurry so you can eat before you eat. Ok mom i say and walk into the restroom to take a shower.

* Time skip after the shower*

Well at least i don't have to ware a uniform.


Well time to go down stairs

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Well time to go down stairs. As i walk down stairs i see my parents. Hello mom hello dad. "Hurry sunoo eat and go to school maybe you'll learn something." Mom at least say something nice. " Ok im sorry my baby." Its fine anyway-. I got cut off by my dad. " Ugh he's not  a kid sunoo do good if not you know what will hapen." Yes dad i'll do good. once i said that i eat.

* Time skip after eating*

Bye mom byw dad im off. " Don't make me look bad ok." Ne got it dad bye. *My dad can be mean but he really only care about his bussins and stuff like that. and he wants me to do good and when i grow up to run the family bussins.

* Time skip at school*

Hmm this school don't look that bad atleast. Anyway i have to go get my schedule but where is the office at. *i say whail looking around trying to find the office* Umm hi there are you maybe lost? Oh yeah could you please help me find the office? Oh yeah ill show you by the way im jungwon. Oh hi jungwon im sunoo and its my first day here so thanks for helping me find the office. Yeah no problem you go in i'll wait out here and then i'll show you where your classes are sound good. Hmm sure ill be back.

* Time skip after getting your schedule*

Ok jungwon im out. Ok!!!! now lets go show you your classes. First show me your schedule.*i then give him my schedule*Hmm ok lets gaur.(you have 7 classes) Hahaha why do you sound australin when you do that. Well one of my friends are australin so i sometimes copy him and his accent. Oh ok. You also have your first period with me and my friend jake you have your secound period with my friends engene and ej you then have your third and seventh with me and all my friends. Ahh ok lets go. Ok also sunoo one question are you like shy or anything. Hmm no why. Oh just asking anyway lets go.

*Time skip to after showing sunoo his classes*

Well sunoo sense we still have 17 minutes till class would you want to meet my friends. Hmm sure why not. Ok well their probably at the canteen so i guess we could also eat if your hungry. Yess im always in the mood for food but not now im noy hungry. Ok well the lets go.

*In the canteen*

Hmm where would thoses rats be oh there they are come on sunoo. Oh ok. Sup uglys this is my new friend sunoo everyone say hello and introduce yourself. Hello sunoo im Sim jaeyun or jake im australin-korean and im bisexual just to let u know were all 17 but my birthday is november 15 were all born 2004 except jungwon umm thats probably all. I also play soccor so yeah.

Well me im yang junwon im 17 born 2005 february 9th were all bisexual im the youngest and one more thing we all have crushes except for ej idk hes weird. Also i do taekwando so if anyone messes with you tell me

Yahh im not weird. Anyway im byun euijoo or eh i was born september 7th 2004 im the third oldest and thats probably it. Also i did do fencing.

Hello im yang engene i was born may 10th 2004 im the oldest and thats also it dang we are really boring. Hmm i do soccor and taekwando only cus my dad wanted me and jungwon to do the same.

Oh well hello im kim sunwoo or sunoo im also 17 born june 24th 2004 so the second oldest im also bisexual and thats also it dang im also boring. Also i love mint choco. Eww sunoo really. Jungwon its important to know anyway do you guys have instagram? Oh yeah we do guys give him your guys instas also sunoo we need your number and your insta. Sure thing yang but one question are you and engene siblings? Hmm yup sadly im that ugly things brother. Yaaaa yang jungwon shut the hell up anyway here this is our instas and can you give us your number so we can add you to our group chat. Yeah here is my phone number.

*@yang_garden started following you*

*@jak_eys started following you*

*@eng_ene started following you*

*@ej_:) started following you*

*sunshine🌞 was added to dumbass*

Ok so why are you still standing sit down sunshine. Yaaa engene don't say it out loud its embarrassing. Well you better get used to it cus we have sheep over there (jungwon) we have jakeyes (jake) then me punk cus idk then some reason we have ponyo (ej). Hmm fine only because everyone else has a nickname. Anyway how wou-. *ahhhhh* Umm why is everyone yelling. Hmm well it's either someones fighting or there here. Hmm garden would you please be more specific. *sigh* Well like every school theres theses boys there called the "bad" boys but here there the "bad cold" boys but to me there on the more cold side. Hmm why. Well this is going to be a long talk so lets talk in lunch cus the bell will ring in about 3 minutes so lets go. Oh ok bye guys see you later.


hello author here i hope you injoy this chapter and i hope you will enjoy all the other chapters well ill leave you to it bye bye.

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