Chapter 7- Deal

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Niki's pov

As i tell sunoo i have to take a phone call i walk away. As im on the phone some girl from our school walks up to me and snatches my phone. Niki: Yaa. ??: What i don't care if you want your phone back give me a kiss and maybe i'll give it back. Niki: Ugh i don't have time for this i need my phone give it back rei. Rei: No i want a kiss first. before i could even say anything she pulls me to her leve and kisses me but i push her away.

Niki: Do you not know what no means or are you dumb. Rei: Well none but thanks for the kiss bye bye. She the waks away and i leave to go look for sunoo. As i spot sunoo he's with Huening kai and i see them walk away to go play games. So i look to my left and see soobin and the others so i walk to them. Niki: Hyung yur friend took away my friend. Yeonjun: Yeah we seen.

Beomgyu: Your fault. Niki: Yaa beomgyu your older them me by 1 year 9 months ok i'll beat you up don't try me kid. Beomgyu: Babe you hear him tell him something. Taehyun: Niki please teach him a lesson. Beomgyu: Yaa taehyun come here. once beomgyu says that taehyun walks to him and they start talking. Soobin: Anyway sunoo seems sweet. Niki: Yeah he is so stay away from him ok.

Soobin: Got it pluse i have a boyfriend. Yeonjun: Yeah thats right here. I then start laughing because soobin looked scared when yeonjun was glaring at him. Niki: Ok well im going to go look for jay bye. Yeonbin: Bye. TaeGyu: Bye. i wave my hand saying bye then walk away looking for jay and the others. I then spot the others and walk to them.
Jay: Where were you? Niki: Oh i found soobin and the others and sunoo had gone with kai so i started talking to them.

Sunoo: Hey in my defence you took forever and he just walked up to me. Niki: It's fine anyway what are we going to do now? K: Hmm lets go watch a movie because we don't hve school tomorrow becauses it saturday tomorrow. Ej: Yeah sounds fun. Jungwon: Ok but what kind of movie? Heeseung: I guess well just see when we get there. Sunoo: Ok lets go.

*at the movie theaters*

Sunoo's pov

I had to go to the restroom so i told the rest and went once i had got out niki was there waiting for me. Niki: Ok so the picked a scary movie now they got all the snacks and everything ready? Sunoo: Ne i love scary movies. Niki: Well i hate them *sigh* What did i do to deserve this. I then start laughing. Sunoo: Come on niki lets go. we then walk to the room and sit down. Were all sitting in a row its jay and jungwon next to them is heeseung and engene then its me and niki next to me and niki are sunghoon and jake and then ej and k.

As were watching the movie i look to my left to see niki covering his eyes so i laugh a little and he looks at me. Niki: What are you lauging at? Sunoo: You. Niki: Why not my fault it's scary. Sunoo: It's barely even scary. Niki: Hahah your funny it's really scary. Sunoo: Hmm ok. i then look back at the screen and watch the movie. Once the movie is done we all decide to go home.

Niki: So do i take you back home or no. Sunoo: Yeah just take me home so i can try to convinces them to not let me get married. Niki: Well good luck. We then arrive at my house and i thank niki and leave into my house. As i walk into my house it's still pretty early so i know my parents are still awake. *its almost 10* As i walk into the living room i see my parents.

Sunoo: Mom dad can we talk? Sn mom: Sure what is it. Sunoo: Please please don't make me marry her i don't want to get married look i know why your doing this is it because this is my third school because i get bad grades? Sn dad: Yes you have to get good grades because i don't need a kid that makes me look bad. Sunoo: Fine lets make a deal if i don't do good i school send me abroad for two years but if i do good then you guys let me do whatever i want-

Sn dad: Ugh you'll make me- Sunoo: Let me finish if i do good you let me do whatever and i promise i won't make you look bad and i'll even take over the company if you want me to. Sn dad: Ok if you don't do good this year you get sent abroad for two years and you have to have to have an aranged marrige with whoever we say with got it. I was scared to answer but i did anyway. Sunoo: Deal. as i say that i walk away to my room.

Ugh i better do good i don't want to get married to someone i don't know or like. I then take a shower and once i hit my pillow i fall asleep.

Once i wake up its around 9:40 a.m so i decided to get ready and go to a coffee shop.

*the outfit*

Once i walk out my room i see my maid so i ask her

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Once i walk out my room i see my maid so i ask her. Sunoo: Ms kim did they leave already? Ms kim: Ne they said make sure to do good and that they will be back next month.
Sunoo: Ne ok. as i get outside i see my car which is just a black bmw i then get in and drive away to the coffee shop.

Hello i hope your doing good. Anyway bye bye.

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