chapter 2- "cold"

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Hello i know this story has a lot of time skips but its fine there will be a lot of time skips in chapter anyway i'll let you read.


*Sunoos Pov*

*after fourth period*

Hello everyone. Sup everyone says and goes back to talking. Yaa jungwon tell me now i want to know. Hmm you won't leave me alone if i don't won't you. Nope so you better tell me who they are. Hmm fine i guess well go from nicest to meanest if thats a thing cus there all really mean. Ok well go on. Ugh ok fine oh look there over there. Huh oh they do look a little mean.

Anyway that one is the nicest his name is lee heeseung he's korean. People say he looks like bambi you know the deer. Anyway he sometimes smiles but not much. They call hime the ace of there group most people only like them cus of how hot they are also heeseung is the one engene likes. People also say that they all have been friends for more then 7 years. He's 6'0ft. october 15th 2003.

Thats one there his name is Riki but everyone calls him taki. He's japanese. He's also pretty nice if he fill like it. He's the shortest but even tho there all still pretty tall except for taki. him and heeseung are tied with whos the nicests cus taki you can see him laugh and smile quit often but yeah.  He's 5'7. His birthday is may 4 2004 hes the youngest and the only one that is 17.

That one is park sunghoon he's the one jake likes. Hes also korean. People call him a peunguin because he looks like one when he runs. He was a figure skater but not anymore but he still skates. They also say he's the perfect one in there group. But they are all know for there looks. There only nice to each others and there familys. They have never dated anyone so nobody knows why there called players. He's 5'11. His birthday is december 8th 2003.

Him thats wang yixiang or nicholas. He's taiwanese. He's also one of the not so cold ones but still pretty cold. There not mean but there not nice they don't like bullying but they do fight people if you get on there nerves they would just make your life a living hell. So people say there mean and cold but there not really lying. He's 5'11. His birthday is july 9th 2003.

Now on to the three meanest ones of there group. That one is k on one knows his actual name all he said is his name is k. People say hes the less mean out of the other two but not reall nice. They say he reminds people of giraffecus hes tall. He did track. There all 18. His birthday is october 21st 2003. He's 6'1 1/2.

then you have the secound "meanest" park jeongseong or jay. He's korean-american. He's the one i like. people would attack you if they hear you say something bad about one of them. Jays know for his sharp jaw line. They say he looks like a cat and a angry bird. They are also know for having rich parents all of there parents are ceo's for big companys. I heard that they will all grow up and all run there parents companys. He's 5'11. His birthday is april 20rg 2003.

Now last but not least the meanest/coldest one of them all. Nishimura riki or ni-ki. He's japanese. Everyone says he resembles a chick and a cheetah. He's one of the best dancers in this school they say he memorized a dance in under 10 minutes. You know what i find weird idk why but he's left handed. He's really good at soccor. He's also really mean looking and pretty mean but people only care about looks in this school for some reason but same. Anyway he was born a day after sunghoon december 9th 2003. No one actually knows how tall he is but everyone says he taller then k so they say he's 6'0,6'1,6'2 some even say he's 6'3 and some say he's 5'11 but were pretty sure he's tall.

Anyway thats all about them so yeah anyway lunch will be over in 10 minutes so lets just go walk around? Hmm yeah sure everyone says. Hmm guys after school what are you guys doing? Hmm well me and engene probably just going home. I'm probably going to do homework what about you ej. Hmm most likely go to sleep wae. Well you guys want to go shopping? Hmm sure were all going to do nothing so sounds fun. Anyway sunoo what do your parents do for work. *asked jungwon* Well my appa is a ceo and my eomma works there two what about your parents? Well mines and engenes they own a couple of restrants. My appa he's a actor and my mom owns a cafa what about you jake. My appa works as a manger for something and my eomma is a modle. Oh ok cool anyway see you guys in a little and after school bye bye.


hello i hope you guys like this chapter anyway on to the next one bye bye.

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