chapter 4- Meet

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*Sunoos pov*

*after school*

Ej: Hyung are you ready the others just went out the class and are waiting for us. Sunoo: Ne let's go. Jungwon: Hyung who do you like more me or engene. Engene: Of course me im pretty and older so me. Sunoo: Actully none you guys look the same and are both ugly. i say trying not to laugh at there reaction. Engene/jungwon: Huuu sunoo you better start running before we kill you.

Once they said that i start running we were still in the hall way so everyone was looking at us. I then bump into someone and they were with a lot of people i then say sorry and was about to keep running but i can hear them about to turn the corner i just turned so i say sorry again and hide behind the person telling them to help me hide. as soon as i hide i hear them turn the corner.

Jungwon: Yaa kim sunoo where are you ohh jay,niki and all of you guys have you seen and kid. Engene: yaa dumbass sunoo is not a kid anyway have you guys seen a blond boy anywhere?? Niki: No we haven't. Jungwon: Oh never mind found him. once jungwon says that he goes though niki and pulls me.

Sunoo: Jungwon-ah im sorry engene im sorry i didn't mean it. Jungwon: Your dead. thats when they start tickling me. Sunoo: H-help m-me p-please. i say through laughing. after about 20 secounds they stop. Sunoo: Anyway thanks for letting me hide behind you. Niki: No problem? Sunoo: You guy's are still ugly. jungwon: Yaa come here.

before they could tickle me i fill two people hug me so i open my eyes to see how it is.

Jake: Yaa jungwon-ah you'll kill him with how much you tickle him. Ej: Yeah what jake said if you tickle him you tickle us. Engene: Ok you heard ej tickle them guys do you mind helping, engene says to sunghoon,jay,k,niki,heeseung and taki. thats when i see engene jungwon jake ej and me getting tickled by all of them. Jungwon: W-we didn't m-mean us t-to.

they then stop after about a minute. Sunoo: Yaa engene this your fault we all got tickeld. Egene: Huh what me never. Sunoo: Whatever anyway you guys want to come to the mall with us? i then see them all look at the niki kid. Niki: You guys go? Niki's friends: Yeah why not. Niki: Sure well go whta time. Sunoo: Well we were saying right now because none of us have anything to do. Niki: Oh ok so i guess well meet you guys at the mall? Engene: Yup come on sunoo let's go.

Sunoo: Ne coming see you guys soon. Niki: Ne.

*niki's pov*

Jay: Niki what was that you excepting an invite to hang out. K: Are we not going to talk about how that kid buped into niki twice and he didn't get mad?? Taki: RIght thats what im saying. Niki: Guys lets just go stop being dramatic. Sunghoon: No this is a big deal. Nicholes: Niki i wont be able to go with you guys. Niki: Why. Nicholes: My mom called me. Niki: Ne. Niki: Ahh whatever i have my own car i'll just meet you guys there. Jay: Don't fall in love niki you'll be whipped. once jay says that they all start laughing and i just keep walking to my car and then i end up leaving them all.

Once i get to the mall i get out my car and wait for the rest. Thats when jay and the rest of them pull up except taki he had to do something so he sayed home. Sunghoon: You actually left niki you were my ride. Jay: Yeah and i had to take him. Niki: I told you i was leaving. K: Stupid anyway where are they? Niki: most likely inside come on lets go. we then get inside and the others are waiting for us. (sunghoon and heeseung went with jay beacuse they left there car at home and k took his)

*sunoo's pov*

As we walk away the rest stare at me. Sunoo: Huh whats wrong? Ej: Nothing just you kinda became friends with them and also got on there good side??? Jake: RIght how are you not dead they let you hide behind him Niki the niki let you hide behind him like you know how lucky you are right. Sunoo i don't really care just want to make friends with everyone.

Jungwon: Psh you did more then that you basicaly made niki fall inlove with you. Sunoo: How? Jungwon: Did you not see the way he was looking at you. Sunoo: No. Engene: SO
are we not going to talk about how our crushes just tickeld us and are coming shoping with us. Jungwon: I know right im freaking out right now. Sunoo: You guys are to much anyway lets go.

after i say that i get into jake's car which has me and ej wail jungwon goes with engene. once we get to the mall we go inside to wait for niki and his friends. when we were all talking i see niki and his freinds or atlest most of them so i walk to them and the others follow behind. Sunoo: Hello. i say and wave to them all. Niki: Ok so what are we doing. Sunoo: Hmm shoping anyway i think we should go in pairs. Jay: How do we do it tho. Sunoo: Like this jungwon you go with jay engene you with heeseung ej with k and jake with sunghoon.

Sunghoon: Quick quistion how did you do that so fast? sunoo: Huh? Sunghoon: How did you pick it so fast. Sunoo: Idk just did. i then look at my friend group and wink at them and they turn red. i look at ej and i whisper in his ear. Sunoo: You've been checking out k do you maybe like him. Ej: N-no. Sunoo: Hmm do i believe you no but will i let it slide this time sure go have fun. i say and drag niki with me as the others walk away with who i paired them with.


hi:) Goodbye:)

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