Chapter 10- Mine

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Sunoo pov
It has been about 4 day after mines and niki's date we just had fun even kissed when he dropped me off. He even became nicer to people dosen't get mad at people which made me a little happy because people being mean to other people is sad i don't like it like theres no reason to be mean it's stupid me and the other started getting bullied by some people because we hang out with niki and his friends.

But they don't know that because we just keep it to our selfs we don't want problems but its fine i guess. The bulling keeps on getting worse tho and a bit harder to keep it from jay, k, niki, heeseung and sunghoon but so far we have kept it out of there site. I guess were just to scared to say anything because who knows what they will do to them. Right now me and jungwon were just walking.

Just doing nothing we were walking to to lunch place to meet up with ej jake and engene. But thats when eric jae and slown walks up to me and jungwon. There the bullies. Eric: So what are you two gay people doing here why are you alive you should die. Jungwon: Please just leave us alone we did nothing to you so why do you bully us? Slown: Why should we leave you alone your gay and you need to die.

Sunoo: Ugh just leave us alone were just trying to get to our friends. Jae: No we won't. Thats when i felt a punch to my face. Jungwon: Hyung. But before jungwon can do anything jae punched him. Sunoo: Yahh leave him alone. But they then started kicking us. They were still kicking us when we heard something. ??: What the hell!! We then stopped filling the kicks.

We look up and niki, k ,jay ,sunghoon and heesung were there punching them. Sunoo: Please stop you'll get introuble. They stopped after a while and came to us. Niki then helped me get up while jay helped jungwon up. K: How long has this been going on? Sunoo: Umm. Engene: Well since we started hanging out with you guys. At this point most of the school was watching us.

Niki: Everyone listen up if anyone dares to put a hand on one of them your dead and if you even touch sunoo your dead he's mine and only mine ok so keep your hand to yourself. K then drags ej away while sunghoon drags jake heeseung drags engene jay drags jungwon and niki drags me away we then all ended up at the front. Sunoo: Umm so when did i become yours?

Niki: Well i only said it to make them fear going close to you. Sunoo: Hmm ok but im on ones don't ever call me that again ok? Niki: Yup got it. We then all just talk after a while we left school because most of the day was over so no need to be there anymore. We then went to a coffee shop until school is over. We all had our own tables like me and niki and the rest also had there own.

Niki: Why didn't you tell me that you guys were getting bullied? Sunoo: Scared of what you'll do i guess. Niki: Well i will do it again if someone hurts you ok? Sunoo: Ok got it. Sunoo: Well im hungry. Niki: Well lets go order some food? Sunoo: Ok. We then walk to go order. Waiter: What can i get you? Sunoo: Can i get a sandwhich? I can see her looking at niki which made me mad.

She was pushing her boobs out she looks about the same age as us. While niki's ording i see her looking at him tring to get him to notice her. I then grab niki's hands and go really close to him so she could stop because it's getting me mad. I can see that niki noticed and smirked. He then kisses ny cheek. I see her roll her eyes and it makes me smile as in saying i won.

Waiter: Is that all i can get you? Sunoo: YuP. I made sure to pop the p. Waiter: Ok well that will be $10.15. Niki then pays and we walk away to wait for out food. Niki: Did you get jealous? Sunoo: Yes she was sticking out her boobs at you so i had to show her your mine. I then shrug. Niki: Yours? He the lifts a eye brow. Sunoo: Yes mines if im yours the your mine. I smile and walk to the table leaving niki standing waitng for the food.

Sunoo: So what are we doing after this? K: Idk what do you guys want to do? Jungwon: Fair we should go to the fair? Jay: is that what you want to do? Jungwon: Yes!! Jay: Ok then the fair we go. Me jungwon and ej start talking about what were going to do there while jake and engene had to use the restroom. Jake: Hey why is everyone happy? Sunoo: Were going to the fair!!

Engene: Wait really?? Sunoo: Yup. Jake/Engene: yes!! Niki: Here. He then gives me my sandwhice and i thank him while taking it. Sunoo: Mmm yummy. Niki: Hey why are you guys happy? Jungwon: Once again fair. Niki: Oh ok. Sunoo: Be happy niki. Niki: Ok my bad im happy ok? Sunoo: Ok!! I smile at him and keep eating while dancing. Before i could take another bite i get a call and once i see hwo's calling i froze.

Hello sorry i'm busy doing other stories and with other things.

But who do you think is calling sunoo?

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