Chapter 5- Hangout pt 1

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*Sunoo's pov*

As i pull niki with me i look back and everyone has gone there own ways but of course with the people i put them with. Niki: Sunoo who did you wink at before we left? Sunoo: Oh my friend group they all like one of your friends like jake likes sunghoon, jungwon like jay, engene likes heeseung, and im pretty sure ej likes k but it's just a thought. Niki: Hmm didn't you guys just become friends like today?

Sunoo: Yeah whats the problem im just good at talking and making friends, but anyway what do you want to do? Niki: Hmm not sure but you want to eat then..... go look for clothes? Sunoo: Sure!! Sunoo: So niki i heard you guys just stick to yourselfs is it true? Niki: Yeah it's because everyone wants be friends with us cus of our looks and because theres things that people say we "sleep with everyone" and that we " Dated half the school" so yeah but us we act cold cus it;s always been like this and if we get close with people we get to "clingy" so we stay to ourselfs.

Niki: and because our familys are rich, And we put on a cold act so people don't try to be friends with us but some of us do show our nice side were not mean or cold just to the people that deserve it. Sunoo: Oh same i hate being so nice cus both my parents are ceos and really know for it and everyone at my old school knew i'm rich so every time they would ask for money or expensive stuff i would buy it because they would make a sad face everytime i said no so i would end up giving in and buying them it.

Sunoo: But one time i said no and i got beat up so i have never said no again but then we moved and i hope no one finds out if not they would probably ask for money. Niki: Well at least we can relat to something which is funny like why would someone hurt you for money, it's sad what money can do. Sunoo: Yup anyway lets eat im hungry.

*after eating*

Niki: Hmm what store? Sunoo: First convers. we then walk to convers. Niki: So what shoes do you want. Sunoo: Well i wanted to get three pairs and also i will buy you some because you let me hide behide you. Niki: Hmm free shoes ok. after niki says that we look at each others and laugh. Sunoo: Ok now go look for shoes you want ok? Niki: Ne.

*sunoo shoes*

*sunoo shoes*

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