Chapter 9- Date?

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Sunoo's pov

As i'm about to walk away i get turned around and become face to face with niki and before i can say anything i fill lips on mine and at first i was in shock but then i close my eyes an kiss back. After running out of breath i try to pull out but niki dosen't let me but then he runs out of breath so we finaly split.

Sunoo: Why did you kiss me? NIki: Because i like you and you didn't back out so thats why, Why you didn't like it? Sunoo: N-no i didn't. Niki: Hmm ok says the one that kissed back.Sunoo: Ugh whatever. i then walk to the living room where the others are at. I then sit next to engene and jake. Jake: what did you guys talk about? Sunoo: o-oh nothing. i Say.

Keep in mind we were whispering so no one would hear us. I then look back at the screen watching the movie. But my mind kept wandering back to the kiss so i had to get up ad go get water. As i walk into the kitchen i see my maid Aka anna. Anna: Sunoo-ahh call the rest of the boys because the food is done ok? Sunoo: Ne nuna. I then walk to the living room to call them

Sunoo: Yaa foods ready come on. We then all walk to the dinning room. Anna: Ok you kids eat and call me when your done. Niki: Nuna your not going to eat? Anna: No, well yes but with my kids that are in the house backyard house. Niki: Oh ok have a good meal. Anna: Ne you to bye. she then walks off. I then look back up and everyone is staring at niki idk why tho.

Niki: What?? Jay: Niki-ahh were you just nice to her or are we just seeing things? Niki: Ugh shut up anyway sunoo-ahh i didn't know she has kids. Sunoo: Oh yeah a kid our age and a younger one around 13? Niki: Oh cool. Sunoo: Anyway what should we do today? But before anyone could answer i hear my name be called so i look up and it's Carlos so i run up to him and hug him.

Sunoo: When did you get back? Carlos: Hmm today like right now. Sunoo: Oh ok anyway these are my friends. They all say hi then ask who he is. Sunoo: Oh he is anna's oldest son the one our age he was in busan because he had stayed there when we all moved to seoul but he's here now. Carlos: Oh yeah my dad bought me a house out here in seoul so i will be going to your school.

Sunoo: Wait really. Carlos: Yup. Jungwon: Hyung why does his name sound american? Carlso: Oh well my dad is mexican and he named me but my mom's korean so thats why. Jungwon: Oh ok. Carlos: Anyway i have to go see my mom because i haven't seen her but nice to meet you all. He then looks at me and whispers in my ear. Carlos: Someone looks mad that you are so close to me.

Sunoo: Huh who? Carlos: Your boyfriend. he then looks to niki's way and i look at niki and he looks mad. Sunoo: Not boyfriend but thanks for letting me know i guess. He then walks away and goes to the back house. Niki: I don't like him he likes you sunoo. Sunoo: No infact he doesn't like me he has a girlfriend pluse you i don't really care if you like him or not.

K: Dame niki first time anyone haha talked to you like that. Niki: Whatever. Ej: K hyung be nice. K: Im sorry i will be nicer ok? Ej: Ok. he then smiles and were all just to shocked to even speak. Jungwon: You know what lets just ignore what just happened ok? We then all agree then go into sepret conversations. But i felt eyes on me so i look up and it's niki.
I then tell jake that i will be right back.

I then walk up to niki and drag him with me to my room so we could talk. Sunoo: Yah can you stop looking at me? Niki: Hmm i will until you agree to go on a date with me. Sunoo: Why? Niki: Because why not i like you and you like me so why not please? Sunoo: Hmm fine but only if you promise me something. Niki: Sure what is it? Sunoo: Don't be mean to people and don't hang out with ass holes.

Niki: Ok deal. Sunoo: Ok so when will the date be? Niki: Hmm maybe tomorrow after school? Sunoo: Ok deal don't forget the promise. I was about to walk away but i then started crying because of the pain i was feeling. Niki: What sunoo why are you crying im sorry if i did something wrong what happened? Sunoo: I hit my foot and im fine pluse no you didn't do anything wrong.

Niki: Oh ok but is you foot ok? Sunoo: Yeah come on before they come looking for us. We then walk out my room and meet up with the others. But we mostly just talked and had fun the hole night but everyone did have to go home because we did have school the next day and you know don't want to miss it because my parents will be mad and send me away then make me get married something i don't want to do.


Hello i know i don't write on this one anymore and im not sure the nxt time i will but hope you like it also sorry for not writing on here i get bored and forget about it pluse i just don't know what to do on this story anymore so yeah don't really know when or even if i would update it but yeah thanks for reading goodbye for now until i decied to write here again or atleast on this story.

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