Chapter 11- Last time

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Sunoo's pov
As i look at my screen i see that my dad i calling and i froze. Niki: Sunoo your dad's calling. Sunoo: Haha right. I then answer. Sunoo: Hello? Sn dad: Kim seonwoo why are you not in school? Sunoo: Well dad it's because-. Sn dad: It's becuse your with your little friends right i want you to stop talking to them and come home now. Sunoo: But please. Sn dad: No right now.

Sunoo: wait another deal? Sn dad: Im listing? I then look around and sigh everyone is looking at me. Sunoo: I'll stop talking to them for the year but if i do good remember i can whatever i want and i will talk to them again but please let me hang out with the one more day please then i'll stop talking to them. Sn dad: Fine don't disapoint me sunoo. Sunoo: yes father.

I then hung up the phone and just looked down. Sunoo: I-im sorry. I then look up. Jungwon: We will still be here waiting for you ok? Sunoo: O-ok. I then get pulled into a hug by jake then jungwon ej and engene join. Sunoo: Let's have fun today shell we? Everyone then says yes. We then get into the car and drive to the fair. The car was quite it was just me and niki in his car.

Sunoo: Hey niki. Niki: Yeah? Sunoo: I like you. It was quite for a while i regreted saying it. Sunoo: Sorry. Niki: I like you too. I then look at him suprised not really sure why i had a feeling he liked me but it still took me by suprise. Sunoo: Well i guess our feeling don't really matter now do they. I then just do an akward laugh. Niki: I'll wait for you no matter how long it is.

Niki: Then maybe i'll ask you on a date. Sunoo: You don't have to wait i know you'll want to date and if you fill like you do then go ahead niki so please don't wait i know you'll want to date. Niki: I won't so i will wait for you ok? Sunoo: O-ok. The car then got quiet. We then arrived and we got out. Sunoo: Well today is the last to have fun so lets have as much fun as we can until next year if i do good.

Jake: You will do good ok? Ej: Yeah we will always be here for you even if that means we can't hang out at least we can talk to each other at school right? Sunoo: im pretty sure. The rest of the night we had so much fun it was around 8. We were now on the faris wheel. it was me and niki. Jake and sunghoon. Jay and jungwon. K and ej. then Engene and heeseung.

Sunoo: It's so pretty up here. Niki: It is. Sunoo: Hey atleast we get to hng out at school right. Niki: Yeah. I then turn my head to look at him and he's looking at me already. I then look at his lips.Before i knew it he had pulled me in for a kiss. After we pull apart we just sat in comfortable silence. While looking at the sky it looked so pretty in the night. The stars and the moon shined so bright.

We were now walking to our cars. Sunoo: I'll see you guys at school. Jungwon: Bye hyung. We then wave and i get into niki's car. Once he drops me off i wave to him and he drives off. As i walk inside i see my parents. Sn dad: This is sojin he will be following you around school making sure you don't talk to them. I then just roll my eyes. And Before i could walk yp the stairs i hear him talk.

Sn: Give me your phonei'll give it back when you get the good grades. Sunoo: but dad-. Sn mom: Sunoo just do it. Sunoo: Ugh fine. I hand them my phone then walk away. In the moriningi start getting dressed. After getting ready i go down and see my dad and sojin. Sunoo: Come on lets go sojin. Sojin: Yes sir. We then go to his car and he drives to school. Once we get there i see all my friends.

Sojin was telling me to just walk past them. Sunoo: Please just one word? Sojin: Fine make it quick. Sunoo: guys he took my phone and now i have a person following me making sure i don't talk to you guys im sorry. Niki: It's fine. I hug them all then sojin somes to me and takes me away which made me mad but what can i do about it huh? Sunoo: I can't believe i have to do this.

At lunch i had to sit alone with sojin and every time one of my friends would come up to me sojin would tell the to get back and not talk to me. Once i went home i see my dad with two people and he calls me in. Sn dad: Sunoo this is mike and wijoon they with also be your bodygaurds. Sunoo: Dad this is to much!! Sn dad: So would you like to drop the deal or put two years onto it?

Sunoo: Whatever i then walk up to my room mad. I wish i never made this promise i already regret it.

Hello this story is about to end maybe like one or two more chapters?

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