chapter 3- sorry

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*Niki's pov*

Ugh hyung why do we have to go to school it's are last year we can just skip. Niki you know your mom would gte you and me introuble if you don't attend school now hurry the others are waiting for us. Ugh fine let's go. 

*Time skip to school*

Hyungs hello and hello taki. Anyway can we at least get coffee. Yeah i agree with niki please hyungs.*says sunghoon* Hmm what do you say jay should we? *says k* Yeah sure why not. Yess!!! best hyungs ever. Niki i think your right we are the best. Now now jay hyung don't get to cocky. Yaa niki get you ass over here. *jay starts chasing niki as they get out of the car*

*Time skip to school*

Ok where here time to put on our act. Hmm hyung why do we act cold. Hmm taki wel because if we don't people will take advantage of us that's just how people are. Hmm your right niki anyway lets go.

Ugh hyung i hate when people start screaming when we walk in also why are these girls on us. Niki just ingnore them.*says jay hyung* Ok fine. Ok niki ltes go to class. *jay says* Hmm ok come on taki lets go bye hyungs see you later. Ok bye niki bye jay and bye taki see you guys later.

*Time skip to lunch*

Jay hyung what are we eating today. Niki idk but im not hungry so you guys go to get something to eat i'll wait here for you guys. Hmm sure ok. *someone bumps into niki* I-i-im s-so so-sorry niki p-please forgive m-me. It's fine just get out of my sight. Ok i-im sorry bye. *in nikis mind* What the hell is wrong with people and not watching where there going.

*after lunch*

*Time skip to 30 minute break*

Hyung can you by-. *niki got cut off bye falling onto the floor* Oh im sorry i wasn't looking where i was running are you ok. *Says a voice so i look up whail standing up*. What the fuck next time watch where your going. O-oh niki i-im sorry i did'nt mean to. Its fine just get out of my face. Ok im so sorry.

*sunoos pov*

*were walikng behind niki and his friends some then bumps into niki he then fall to the ground so he gets up and cusses at the guy* Hmm why is that niki guy so mean to people they did'nt mean to bump into him. Your right sunoo hyung but thats just how he is. Hmm well he dosen't seem like someone people want to be friends with. Yaa who are you to talk about my oppa like that you ugly bitch someone says to me walking infront of us.

Yaa never talk about my oppa if not i'll make your life a living hell. *her firends say* Ugh i don't have time to fight with you so move. No i wont move untill you say sorry to niki oppa. Ugh fine.* i then walk up to niki and his friends because they were sitting down* Ugh im sorry. There are you happy can i leave now. No you have to mean the sorry if not i'll beat your ass. Ugh what did i do to deserve this. Anyway im sorry whatever your name is again. Umm why are you apologizing to me. *the niki kid asked* Well all i said was i would'ent want to be friends with someone mean like you thats all and you fan girl got mad so here i am apologizing for that anyway i have to go bye bye come on jungwon the others are wating. *i say as we walk to are friends*

*nikis pov*

*As me and the others are sitting down talking someone comes up to us* Ugh i sorry there are you happy can i leave now he says. No you have to mean the sorry if not well beat your ass. *he then says in a whisper what did i do to deserve this* Anyway im sorry whatever your name is again. *he says again* Umm why are you apologizing to me. *i ask* well all i said is i woulde'nt want to be friends with someone mean like you and your fan girl got mad so here i am apologizing for that anyway i have to go bye bye lets go jungwon the others are wating for us. *he says then walks away * Umm what just happened. Hmm who know that was weird tho anyway what do you guys want to do later.

*Time skip to after school*

Hmm jay hyung im tired lets go home or take me home. Ok bye everyone well text later. Bye hyungs bye taki. Bye niki bye jay. *they all say*.


hello how are you guys i hope your doing good. I hope you injoyed this chapter anyway i'll let you guys go bye bye.

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