Chapter 6- Hangout pt2

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Sunoo's pov

As me and niki are walking to the food court i then trip so i close my eyes ready to hit the hard floor. But to my suprise i don't fill the floor so i open my eyes and i meet another pair of eye's. And to my suprise it's niki's i then start to fill a weird filling in my stomach so i quickely get out his arms. Sunoo: T-thank you for not letting me hit the floor. Niki: Oh No Pro-. Jungwon: Guys over here hurry. Sunoo: Oh ok come on niki.

I then grad niki's hand and run to the others. But whail were runing i then come back to reality and realize im holding his hand and start blushing. We then get to the others and i quickly take my hand out of his. Jay: You guys want to got to the fair since it closes at 10:00 p.m and it's 4:25. We then all agree and leave the mall. But this time niki asked if i want to go with him so i said sure.

(this is how everyone went like who went with who. Jake took sunghoon with him but sunghoon drove. k took ej. Engene and heeseung went together but heeseung drove. And jay took jungwon wail niki took sunoo)

*in niki's car* As we listened to music i then got a call so niki turned the music off wail i picked up. Sunoo: Hello? SN mom: Hi baby what are you doing? Sunoo: Oh nothing just hanging out with my friends were about to go to the fair why? SN mom: Well your father wants you to come home so we can talk. Sunoo: Oh...... ok got it bye see you in a little. As i hang up i start talking to niki.

Sunoo: Umm niki do you think that you can drop me off at my house my parents want me home sorry. Niki: Its fine but yeah just put the adress on my phone please. Sunoo: Ne. Sunoo: Wait niki lets do this i talk to my parents and then we go to the fair but only if you want. Niki: Hmm yeah lets do that. i then put it in and then text out group chat.


guys i can't go to the fair so niki is taking me home but just to talk to
my parents then were going to the fair is that ok?

Ne well be there untill it closes so yeah well still be there when you guys come back.

Yeah but come fast ok?


Guys help!!

Huh what happend??

I think i like k!!!

And i think i like niki.

Wow not really suprised for the both of you.


i am

Well not the first.

And before i knew it jake and jungwon started fighting so i just turned off my phone and waited to get home. A couple minutes later i get home i then get off and niki goes on his phone to wait for me to get back. As i enter the house i hear a lot of vocies. *They live in a pretty big house and its only sunoo and his parents pluse like three bodygaurds and some maids.*

SN mom: Your home sit we have people over but first say hi. Sunoo: Oh hi. i say and bow they then do the same. SN dad: Lets just skip to the thing we wanted to talk about. SN dad: You will marry Ms jeon. im guessing shes the daughter of the guy siting next to her and on the other side of her is im guessing her mother. Sunoo: But dad im still in school i don't want to get married.

SN dad: I don't care you will marry her she likes you. Sunoo: But dad please i don't want to. SN dad: Ugh Soyeon (Sunoos mom's name) convince him now i don't care. SN mom: Sunoo please just do i we want to to be married to take over the business. Sunoo: Why me tho and not my older brother? SN mom: Ugh really he's gay why would we? Sunoo: Like i said i don.t want to and you can't make me.

As i say that i then run out the house and my parents chasing me. I then get into nikis car and tell him to drive. As niki drives off i look back and i see my parents out side talikng to one of our garuds. Most likely telling them to find me. Niki: Why the hell happened in there? I the tell niki everything that happened in the house. Niki: Well then lets just go have fun at the fair shell we?

Synoo: Yeah i need to take my mind out of all that. By the time we get to the fair it's 6:00 p.m so as me and niki get out his car i see some cars that parked behind us and they hav been following us for a while now but didn't think much of it and kept walking. Jake: SUNOO your here come on lets go have fun. Sunoo: Wow coming come on niki. Niki: Oh hold up someone is calling me.

Me and jake went to go have fun but an hour went by and niki still haven't came so i told jake i was ggoing to go look for him. As im walking i then spot niki i was about to walk up to him but i then see him and a girl kiss so i just walk away. I don't know why but when i seen niki kiss the girl but for some reason it hurt but i decided to just forget about it and just to have fun and not think about.

I was about to walk up to jake but before i could i seen sunghoon walk up to him and i decided to just let them have fun so i decided to just get something to eat. As i get my food i decided to sit down on a bench to eat. ??: Why do you look sad? Sunoo: Oh do i? ??: Yeah just wanted to make sure your ok. Sunoo: Oh yeah just all my friends are with there crushes so i decided to let them have fun.

??: Oh well then lets have some fun? Sunoo: Hmm sure by the way i sunoo. ??: Oh i know we go to the same school im Huening kai. Sunoo: Oh really are you here with friends? HN kai: Yeah but there all with there boyfriends. he then points to the left and i see it soobin hyung yeonjun hyung and two other people. Sunoo: Oh your friends with soobin and yeonjun hyung but can i ask something.

HN kai: Yeah sure. Sunoo: Who are the other two i only know soobin and yeonjun hyung cus there famous at school and i just came in the school. HN kai: Oh that one there is beomgyu and next to him is his boyfriend taehyun. Sunoo: Oh ok. HN kai: Now lets go have fun? Sunoo: Yeah lets go.

Hello im back. anyway i hope you like this chapter bye bye. Hello this would be the last chapter for now until i come back now im leaving bye bye.

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