Chapter 3

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Fortunately for Lisa - or unfortunately, depending on your point of view - Jisoo's evening had gone very well.

"And then the CEO of Dior asked to see me...She wanted to see me, you know? It didn't seem real, I swear."

Jisoo was beaming as she recounted her evening to the other girls who had been waiting for her to return to the couch in front of the TV.

"Unnie, you're their Ambassador it's only natural that she would want to say hi."

"Shut up Lisa, you don't get to talk. Just because you are still alive doesn't mean I forgiven you."

Lisa lowered her eyes and let out a sigh before sinking into the couch and letting the other girls interact with Jisoo.

"Don't worry, you know how she is: tomorrow she won't even remember why she doesn't want to talk to you."

Jennie's voice was almost a whisper, soft and calm, as she reached across the couch to get comfortable and rest her head on Lisa's lap. She nodded and, automatically, her fingers began to stroke Jennie's hair. It was so soft, so dark, so fragrant. So relaxing.

"Did she offer you anything?"

"We haven't had a chance to go into much detail but she told me she has a project in mind centered around me and she's going to talk to the agency about it to get me for promotions."

"Why, that's wonderful Unnie! This is really great news, I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you Chaeng, I'm very happy too!"

"We need to celebrate!!! If I'm not mistaken we should have some desserts in the fridge..."

"Chae it's one o'clock in the morning! We should go to sleep instead of eating."

Jisoo's tone, despite the words, was amused at the enthusiasm shown by her companion.

"It wouldn't be the first time we've eaten at this hour. Besides this time we have a very good reason to do it! C'mon Jennie tell her t..... ."

"Sshh don't yell."

Lisa shushed Rosé as she continued to stroke Jennie's hair to the rhythm of her calm, deep breathing.

"Years go by but our Jendeuk is still the life of the party." Jisoo Teased her.
"Come on Chaeng, let's go to sleep it's late."

"I'll take you out for breakfast tomorrow, unnie. Do you want to?"

"Do you ever do anything unrelated to eating?"


Lisa smiled as she heard their talk as they walked away towards their rooms.
Despite everything, despite the commitments, despite the years, despite the fights, being with them was as close as she got to having a family.
It was a thought Lisa often had: what if, as a 14-year-old Thai girl, she hadn't met them? She certainly wouldn't be where she is now. She would definitely not be the person she is now. She definitely wouldn't feel at home like she does now.

She thought back to all the nights in the dorms spent fooling around with Rosé, dancing and singing until late into the night, until someone from the other rooms knocked vigorously against the wall and told them to stop. Only then would they calm down and, stifling their laughter, apologize and finally go to sleep. It might seems like a trivial thought, but in her she had really found the sister she had never had.

She thought back to all the stern recommendations she'd gotten from Jisoo over the years. She thought of all the times she had been scolded by her unnie for being too hyperactive, too loud, too annoying, but also of all the times she was left alone on holidays, unable to return to her family in Thailand, and suddenly Jisoo appeared at her door with chocolate milk, muffins and a K-drama title to put on the TV.

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