The Transition: Elena

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Breathe I tell myself... Just breathe. My throat, my head, my ears, and the rest of my body is enflamed. I know I'm going to die in this fire. It's my fate to keep Jeremy alive I have to sacrifice myself. Suddenly a firefighter without a mask or any type of protective gear comes to my aid. I hear his melodious voice saying "" I do as I'm told and then the fire consumes me.

When I wake up I am totally confused about who I am, where I am, and why my head is pounding like a drum line inside of my head. I see the body of a firefighter with blood dripping from her disfigured form. Just by looking at her body I can tell she was murdered. Her precious B+ blood is draining from her body too fast. I rush over to her and check her pulse. She is alive but barely, and I can't help smelling the Crimson tang of her blood. I lean forward and take in a giant breath. It smells delicious, but that's definitely not me thinking it. I am Cherokee, and there are some legend of demon blood suckers ascending from the pits of hell to feed on the sinners of the world. Why would someone like that want to finish off someone like me? I've done no wrong, committed no crimes, I've never stolen anything, and I am a preachers kid so I am fully towards the lord. I look down at the sweet and ripe blood dripping from two bite sized marks in her neck that penetrate the skin almost three inches deep. I suddenly feel my face turn boiling hot like an inferno, and my gaze turns into red spots and clouds. I bite down as hard as I can, and I can feel my gums rip apart. I sit there in agony at the newly formed fangs I have sprouting from my face. They are sensitive to touch but as soon as I get used to them I start devouring the innocent firefighter, that might have had a chance to live, again and much to my dismay I enjoy every villainous moment of it.

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