falling // b.barnes

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A lot has happened in the past 5 years. Thanos took everything and everyone I ever loved away from me, all except Bucky. My fiancé. We're on a mission to bring everybody back and undo everything that Thanos did. I volunteered to collect the Soul stone and Bucky said he'd come with me.

So that's where we are. Walking up this long ass mountain in these tight ass suits. God, why does Tony have to design everything to snug fitting?

"Are you scared?" Bucky's question breaks me out of my train of thought.

"Yes, but it'S not as scary with you beside me." It's the truth. I'm scared shitless but Bucky makes me feel safe.

"I think we are at the top—"

"Y/n daughter of F/N, James Buchanan Barnes, son of Winnifred Barnes. We meet again James." We both jump and point out weapons at the strange man. He's floating... which isn't the weirdest thing I have ever seen but I'm not gonna lie it's pretty cool.

"You." I turn to look at Bucky. Does he know this guy? He doesn't drop his gun, he has it pointed straight at the floating guy.

"I know who you are. You were on of the people who experimented on me!" Bucky shouts and I gasp, I immediately draw my gun back on the man. He turns to stare at buck.

"I do not wish any harm anymore Mr Barnes, I am a guide. A guide to what you seek." Bitch please. I shoot him twice in the face but it didn't do anything. He just looks annoyed.

"There is no point in trying to kill me Miss y/n, I am already dead." He turns and floats to the edge of a cliff. Uhh that was creepy... I don't like it here anymore, I just want to get the stone and go home.

Bucky am I start slowly following the floating red man. He leads us in between two large pillars.

"In order to take the stone, you must loose that which you love."- Bucky and I make eye contact, -"an everlasting exchange. A soul... for a soul." Wait. What? No. No this cannot be happening. Am I hearing him right...

One of has to die. I'm not letting Bucky die.

"He could be lying." Bucky states. I don't know why but my gut believes the floating man.

"No it's real, 'a sole for a sole'...Thanos and Gamora came here to get the stone. Only Thanos returned." I explain. "One of has to do it." I say as I walk over to my fiancé.

He nods. "We both know who it has to be doll." Doll. I'm going to miss that name. I lean up and put my forehead against his.

"I'm starting to think we mean two different people here babe." My voice cracks. He uses the pad of his thumb to wipe a tear that slid down my cheek.

"I love you doll." He leans down and captures my lips in a soft kiss. One that I will savour forever.

"I'm sorry." I mumble against his lips. I quickly pull out a taser from my belt and tase him in the neck. He groans as he falls to the ground, letting out a strangled 'no'.

I sprint towards the edge of the cliff. Before I can leap off the edge I feel two arms snake around my waist. Throwing me to the side. I fall on my back and watch as my lover jumps to his death.

That's so not happening, I scramble up from the dirt and leap off the edge. Grabbing a small grappling hook and shooting Bucky, then attaching the other end to the side of the stone wall as I free fall.

"NO! Y/N!" I hear Bucky shout my name as I almost pass him. I see him reach out to try and grab me. Lucky for him he grabs my wrist. Tears are freely leaking from his pretty blue eyes.

"Damn you, FUCK!" He sobs, "Why did you do that?!"

"It's okay babe...I love you." I stare into his eyes that I love so much.

"No. No. No, it's not okay- I can't loose you to." His grip starts to slip. "Y/N PLEASE! Please. Please don't-"

"Bucky, it's okay. Let me go." I place my feet on the cold stone wall, ready to push off. He looks down and sees what I'm doing. I watch with teary eyes as his face turns into pure dread and horror.

"NO! NO Y/N PLEASE! Don't! I can't live without you!." Fucking hell this is so hard. But I have to bring everyone else back.

"It's not fair!" Bucky screams at me.

"None of this is fair buck, I love you so so much." I manage to push off of the wall with the little strength I have left.

Everything is in slow motion.

Me pushing off of the wall. My wrist fully slipping out of Bucky's grasp. Him hopelessly trying to grab onto me yet not succeeding.

All this chaos yet I can't stop looking into my lovers eyes. Those perfect fucking eyes.

My stomach sinks and I free fall to my death. My hair whipping around my face. I have been falling for about three seconds now and I can't see Bucky anymore. I turn my eyes to the beautiful sky, not wanting to see how long I have left before I hit the bottom.

Bucky's POV

I helplessly watch as the only woman I have ever loved fall to her death. No pain even from torture can compare to how much I hurt in that moment.

I never even saw her reach the bottom, she was too far away.

Suddenly there is a blinding white light.

I wake up in a lake. I feel something in my flesh hand. Opening my palm I finally see what we came here for. The soul stone. Y/n. MY y/n died for a fucking chunk of rock. I slouch and let my tears run freely down my face. Not bothering to wipe them off because the new ones would just replace the old.

I sob while clicking the arm band, taking me back home.

Steve POV

I click the button on my arm band sending me, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Scott and Tony home. I'm so happy that we actually just did that. We got all the stones with minor complications! I can't wait to tell Bucky and Y/n. Oh my gosh I hope they got their stone.

I get cut of if my internal thoughts as we arrive back at the compound. I'm about to say something when I see Bucky fall to his knees. I expect y/n to comfort him but when I look up... she isn't there. I run over to Bucky and kneel down beside him.

"Bucky? Where's y/n?" Natasha asks. He doesn't move. He just opens his palm to show the soul stone. I don't connect the dots until Nebula speaks.

"Thanos ventured to Vormir to obtain the Soul stone, Gamora was with him. When he returned, he had the stone. But no Gamora." Nebula explained.

My heart breaks at the sight of Bucky, my brain not quite registering the news. Y/n has been there for me ever since I got out of the ice. She helped me find Bucky and together we stoped HYDRA. Buck and y/n fell for each other shortly after that and then when the snap happened they're feelings grew even more.

"I'm so sorry buck." Tears swell in my eyes.

Bucky looks up. "We need to finish the job, her death needs to have purpose. We have to do this Steve, for her." He sniffs.

"He's right, we need to bring everyone back." I say. "For her. She will not die for nothing."

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