purple // p.parker

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"I'm getting a raspberry slurpee! They're the best flavour." I yell to Peter as I run off.

"No, your crazy! Coke or blueberry is the best!" He says, chasing after me.

He grabs my shirt and pulls me back so he gets ahead. "Peter!" I scream out, while laughing at the same time.

A few minutes later I reach the servo, I see Peter standing there triumphantly. I roll my eyes, walk up to him, and give him a soft punch in the shoulder. Then enter the service station.

"Owwwww." Peter fakes being in pain. Scrunching up his face. He laughs and follows me in.

I walk straight to where the slurpee's are. I grab two large cups and hand one to Peter.

He overflows his cup with blueberry slurpee.

I fill mine to the top with raspberry.

I was going to get coke but changed my mind last minute. Peter and I walk up to the counter and I pay for us both. It's only a dollar.

As we start walking back home, Stark Tower, we sip our drinks and I start think about my relationship with Peter.

We're dating in secret because we're afraid my dad won't approve.

Yeah... I know, it's a pretty lame excuse but when your dad is Tony Stark, you never know how he'll react.

So, we just kept it a secret. The little moments we share like this make up for it though.

Suddenly I get pulled out of my thoughts as Peter pulls me behind a thick tree.

The abrupt action almost causes me to spit out my mouthful of slurpee.

"What? Peter why did-" he cuts me off with a deep kiss. I don't object. He slips his tongue into my mouth and I can taste the blueberry. I'm starting to like the flavour now...

We pull apart as the need for breath becomes more important.

"I saw one of your dads drones. I couldn't risk him seeing us together so... I improvised." He explained.

"Well I'm happy you did because I have wanted to do that all day." I say with a smirk. His cheeks tint the same colour as my drink.

He goes to lean back in for another kiss when we hear a familiar buzzing sound. Oh no, shit shit shit.

"That's the drone." Double shit. "And it's facing us..." Triple shit.

"We need to go home right now." I go to leave but Peter stops me.

"I left my bag in your room." Quadruple shit.

"Uhhh... can you get it through the window?" I ask.

"Yes I can, but you hate swinging." He says, a look of sympathy on his face.

"It's an emergency I'll suck it up." He nods at me and pulls his mask out of his pocket. Don't ask me how it fits in there. I don't even know.

He grabs my waist and shoots a web. He pulls us off the ground and we swing all the way to Stark Tower.

We reach my window and I slide it open. We stumble inside and I grab peters bag, handing it to him.

I go to give him one last kiss before he leaves but a voice stops me.

"Hold it." I freeze. I feel peters body tense up. What comes after quadruple? Oh yeah, infinity shit.


He flicks on the lamp that's right next to the chair he's sitting on. Emerging from the shadows.

He holds up a small tablet, showing me a photo of me and Peter making out behind the tree. Slurpee's still in hand.

Ok, now is time for the infinity shit. We're so dead.

"That's not us dad I swear-"

"Show me your tongues."

I sigh, with nothing else to do we stick out tongues out. "What flavour slurpee did you get?" He questions.

"Blueberry, sir." Peter answers.

"That means y/n got raspberry, right y/n?" He looks to me with his signature smirk.

"What? How did you know?-"

"Both of your tongues are purple." Me and Peter look at each other with and 'oh shit' expression.

I guess the truth is coming out weather we like it or not.

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