the bridge // b.barnes

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I'm sitting in the back of Sam's car with Nat, -Steve was in the passenger seat and Sam was driving-, when all of a sudden a metal hand comes flying through the windshield and grabs the steering wheel.

The metal armed man starts shooting through the top of the roof and Sam hits the breaks. Sending the man flying off the car.

I cringe at the sound of his metal hand scratching against the road to slow his landing.

We watch as he slowly stand up, death staring us. Damn. That's hot.

Right as Nat was about to shoot him a car rammed us from behind. Causing Nat to drop the gun at Steve's feet.

We start driving towards the soldier and he fillings himself on our car. He jumps onto the car behind us and continues to ram us.

We loose control of the car and Steve tells us to hang on. We all somehow fit onto Steve's oversized dinner plate and we fall out of the car.

Sliding to a stop. Yet still being shot at.

I spot the winter soldiers car stop and he gets off. He grabs a large gun and sims at us. He shoots at Steve and Nat. The bullet hits Staves shield which sends him flying off the bridge.

"Steve!" Nat and I scream out.

More bullets rain down on us and we're forced behind two cars. Sam behind another.

He slowly stalks towards us with that huge gun in his hand. He tilts his head when se sees me and aims.

Okay, he's hot. I think to myself. Oh shit. He was really close to us now.

He shot a bullet that the car I was standing behind. I grab a grapple hook and attach it to the bridge. I gracefully zip down.

Natasha does the same.

As I run through the tunnel I see his shadow.

I use my magic and change the direction of his bullet to hit his glasses.

Thank you trajectory manipulation.

Once I'm sure a bullet bit his glasses I sprint behind a truck. Suddenly a round of bullets rain down on me.

Good thing I ran lol.

He spots me and shoots at me.

I run to where Nat was, I see here set up a speaker thin. She grabs my hand and leads me behind another car. Telling me to be quiet.

I peek my head around the corner and see him jump off the bridge.

He lands on a car and walks off like it's nothing.

Ho-ly shit. That. Was. Hot.

Natasha presses play on the speaker and he hears it. Stalking towards the sound.

He kneels down and gently grabs a grenade, clicks a button and rolls it under the car.

"The things I would do to you..." I accidentally say out loud. He snaps his head in my direction. Oops.

"Y/N! You idiot you gave us away!" Nat exclaims. She slaps me across the back of my head and tells me to run. I do as she instructs.

"I'm sorry!" I apologise to Nat. As I'm running I look behind and see him following us. Even though he's wearing a mask I still see his eyes crinkle a little. Giving away that he was smiling.

"Okay, maybe I'm a little less sorry-"

"Y/N!" Nat sighs.

What can I say he's hot-

LMAO I got this from tiktok.
Credits to @marveloustingz on tiktok.

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