late night food fights // b.barnes

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Bucky's POV

I wake up in a sweat. My sheets discarded onto the floor. Another dream, no, another nightmare. Where am I? I start to panic. I don't remember where I am! Where the fuck am I?!

What's going on-

*knock knock*

I immediately turn my head to the sound. Ready to defend myself.

"Bucky?" Y/N's voice asks. Suddenly everything all comes back, I'm in the compound. I'm safe. Safe from them.

She pokes her he's into my room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. She looks at me and then looks at my blankets on the floor.

"I came to check on you. I heard screaming." She started, "you had another nightmare didn't you?"

"Yeah... I did." I have no idea what made me tell her that. What am I doing?

She studies my face and says, "Whenever I have nightmares I do something that takes my mind off it. Follow me."

I look at her confused but slowly jog after her. Together we walk in silence to the kitchen. What was she doing?

Y/N turns to the pantry and grabs what looks like a chocolate chip cookie recipe. She turns to me and says with a smirk, "Are you gonna help or are you gonna just stand there?"

I comply and go grab a large mixing bowl. She started pouring in the ingredients and I started to crack the eggs.

Just as I was about to crack the last egg, it slipped out of my flesh hand and landed straight on to Y/N's feet.

"Oh my god- I am so sorr-" I get cut off by Y/N's laughter. As I'm standing their confused I didn't realise that Y/N was grabbing another egg.

She smashed it right on the top of my head. Giggling right in my face. I'll get her back for that...

Before she can get anymore I quickly snatch the egg carton out of her reach. I run around to the other side of the kitchen island.

"Doll you just started a food fight. A fight that you won't win..." I warn her jokingly.

She smirks at me, holding a bag of flour. "I think I could beat you... old man." She snickers.

"Wait old ma-?" I get caught off guard by the nickname. Y/N throws the entire bag of flour at me. I dodge and run to the other side of the kitchen behind the fridge.

I peek around the corner and see her with a bad of chocolate chips. I piff a raw egg at her head. My aim is so good that it hits exactly where I want it to go.

She squeals and ducks behind the counter. But I see exactly what's she is.

I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her.

She wasn't expecting it so she squeals again. She turns around and looks into my eyes. I get lost in hers.

She starts to lean in, I get the message and slowly lean towards her too. Soon our lips touch and I close my eyes. The kiss was so soft yet so passionate and exiting at the same time. She's so beau-


I feel a gooey substance slide down my face. She smashed an egg in my head when I was distracted. Smart.

She giggles and says, "I win Barnes." With a smug expression.

I stare at her and laugh, "Whatever...Round 2?" Y/N smiles, snatches the egg carton and runs away.

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