kneel // l.laufeyson

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"KNEEL!" Loki shouts, his voice echos off the walls. He slams his sceptre against the ground intimidatingly.

He flares daggers at our heads.

Okay. He's hot.

I gracefully drop down onto my knees. He smirks at me.

"Look to your youth, people." He aims his spear my way. "This one actually has smart survival skills-"

"-Y/n get up." Tony and Steve sigh at the same time.

I shrug my shoulders. "But he said-"

"Stand. Back. Up. Now." I see a vein in Bruce's forehead start to fade green and I immediately leap up from my crouched position.

"Sorry, geez..." I kick the rocks under my combat boots.

Natasha and Clint just share a look and we turn back to Loki.

Thor cringes.

"I like this one." Loki studies my face. "She's good instinct and she clearly knows who the superior race is." He smiles his wide smile.

"Mate, I'm gonna regret kneeling if you say shit like that." I place my hands on my hips. "Anyway would you please kindly put down the sceptre and come with us? It would be so much easier if you didn't resist. I'd hate to get things messy."

I unsheathe my katanas from their position at my hips and I sharpen them against each other.

"Oh, be my guest, I would love for things to get messy." Within seconds his whole body is covered in gold armour.

Is he flirting? Two can play that game.

"Have or your way then."

AN: I absolutely hate the way this ended. Also, DO YOU GUYS SEE THAT IN THE PHOTO?! He's definitely as big as a horse.

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