i'll fix this // t.stark

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*italics means comms*


I'm currently jumping off the Quinjet in an attempt to stop the love of my life from getting to the most wanted man in the world. What has my life come to.

You see, we just had a huge fight at an airport and Steve, Bucky, and I just made it to the jet a few minutes ago. We started flying but Tony, Rhodey and Vision were hot on our tail.

Ignoring the protests of Bucky and Steve I jump out of the Quinjet in my Mark 42 Iron-Woman suit.

I turn on my thrusters and quickly do a large loop so I'm behind Tony and Rhodes.

"Tony please, you need to stop. There is a bigger thing going on here." I tell him over comms.

"No Y/N. How can you even say that? He's a fugitive." He replies.

"Babe please. I don't wanna do this."

"Me neither but I have to." He says.

He's not changing his mind.

Damn. I love him but he's so persistent.

"Vision be got a bandit on my six." I hear Rhody tell Vision. "Aim at his thruster turn him into a glider." Shit shit shit.

I look back and see that Vision is blasting Sam. But Sam dodges it.

Now that it missed Sam.... It's now in my direction.

I have no time to move out of the way. It skims past my suit but of course with my luck it hits the most important part. My whole suit completely shuts down.

Leaving me trapped in a tin can.

"Tony! Tony my suits damaged, I'm flying dead here!" I yell. All the spinning makes my stomach churn before I eventually pass out.

Tony's POV

"Tony! My suits damaged, I'm flying dead here!" I hear Y/N yell through comms.

I immediately stop going after the Quinjet and spin around to see my fiancé, in her Iron-Woman suit, spiralling towards earth at a concerning pace.

I gasp. "Y/N!" I speed towards her. Friday continues to tell me how many feet I have left before she makes contact with the ground.

No, no, no. No! I'm not going to make it!

I see Cap's buddy going after her too. He's not going to make it either, he's also too far away.

She's so close yet so far-

"Y/N!" I get within metres of her when her body hits the hard ground with a terrible thud.

I quickly land and sprint towards her. I rip off her suits mask to find blood leaking from her nose, mouth and ears.

"No, no, no!" I sob. "Stay with me baby! Friday what's her vitals? Friday?! Answer me!"

"Her heart beat is low, Mr Stark. An ambulance is on its way." She answers. "Chance of survival is-"

"Don't- don't tell me." I don't want to hear that.

The other guy 'Sam' lands a few seconds later.

"I'm sorry." He says. This is his fault. Without a second thought I blast him. Sending him flying back.

"Come on Y/N stay with me." I grab her hand. I look up and see an ambulance. Thanks god.

Y/ N's  POV

"Tony." I mumble as I start to regain consciousness. "Tony-" I try to open my eyes but the blinding white light is so freakin bright. Who needs lights that bright ugh.

"I'm right here babe." I feel his hands clasped around mine.

I look to my left and see him sitting in a hospital chair. "What happened?" I ask. My brain was slightly foggy. I could remember what I had for breakfast but I can't remember what had just happened moments ago.

And why am I in a hospital I don't feel any pain. I try to sit up but all my muscles in my legs feel like their asleep.

After a while I find that I cannot move my legs at all. That's when I panic.

"Tony? Tony! I can't feel my legs!" I cry. He jumps up and sits on the edge of my bed. He helps me sit up, and he just hugs me. And I sit there. Crying into his shoulder.

After a long, long time he breaks the silence.

"I'll fix this. I promise." He says.

"I know you will." I reply.

"I love you, so much." He mumbles into my hair. I close my eyes.

"I love you more." "Not possible." "Uh yes possible." "No." "Yes."

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