playing the game // m. o'hara

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You and Miguel accidentally take it too far, and you both suffer the consequences for it. But neither of you will complain...



Some people think you and Miguel are rivals, seeing as though you both share an office and are constantly competing against each other. But that's not true at all. You would say your actually friends.

Not best friends, but friends.

Your lips tilt up at the corners as you think about your coworker. Stirring the hot coffee in your mug you plop down on your offices couch. Every office has one. They can afford it though because you literally work for Alchamex.

You take a small sip your your coffee and almost instantly retreat as it burns your tongue. Putting the mug down on the coffee table you fall back into the couch with a sigh.

"Where is he?" You mumble, looking down at your watch. He's ten minutes late. He's never late.

Technically speaking, work doesn't start for another hour and a half, you two just like to get all the extra paper work done for the day so you don't have to stay back later. It's also how you became friends, since no one else would be in the office you only had each other to talk to.

But it normally ends in playful teasing. More like who would cross the line first and actually touch the other. It never happens, but that's what's fun about our little game.

Of course, not even a minute later he's striding through the door. Wearing a white button up shirt and black trousers. Sporting a simple black belt that I want to just loop my fingers around and pull him close. But I can't do that.

"Miguel, your late." You state with a surprised look on your face. Also lifting your watch for him to see. He just gives you a roll of his eyes.

"Really? I didn't know." He just dumps himself besides me on the couch, thank god it's a big couch, more like a bed if I'm being honest. "I've just had a rough morning, I slept through my first alarm." He rubs the spot between his brows."

"Perhaps I can help you wind down." You tease with a cheeky tone and he barks out a laugh knowing you weren't being serious since this is the game you both play.

"Oh how kind of you. What have you got in mind?" Keep in mind, the rules of that game is whoever taps out first, looses.

"Hmm how about..." You run a finger over his chest and pop open the first button. Then the second, then the third. And so on until his entire shirt was open, exposing his cascading abs.

His breath hitches when you drag a cold hand across his toned stomach. How does he even get this buff? You work fourteen hour shifts, when does he ever get the time to exercise?

"Okay I see where this is going." He grins. Your head tilts.

"Oh? Is this you officially tapping out?" A semi triumphant smile breaks onto your face. All for him to shake his head.

"Not even close." He places his hands on your hips and places you in his lap, your practically grinding on his thigh, since your legs aren't long enough to wrap around his. "How this?"

Your face flushes before getting your mind back into the game. You have to win! He nearly always wins, you need this victory for all the other women out there who are rooting for you.

You pretend to think for a moment. Clicking your tongue. "Average move Miguel. Can't say it's anything special to be honest, you've used this before. It's getting a little old." You start unbuttoning your own white button up shirt to reveal your lacy red and blue bra.

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