she's where?! // b.barnes

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The metallic smell of blood fills my nose, it's disgusting and it's all around me. I'm sitting in a mouldy HYDRA cell, all because I was supposed to retrieve stolen SHIELD files. A simple in and out.

It was a secret mission that only myself and Fury knew about. But of course... this is Wattpad. The missions are NEVER simple. Oh I didn't even tell you the worst part yet...

I have been shot twice. Once in my thigh and the other in my right shoulder. I know, how lucky am I... not.

I groan in pain as I try to put more pressure on my thigh to stop the bleeding.

I hope- no I need the Avengers to find me quick. Or else I might die here.

Bucky's POV

Where is she?!
I have been running around the compound for hours now trying to find y/n.

Nowhere. I can't find her! This was my one job as a boyfriend and I can't even protect her!

"All Avengers please report to the main conference room immediately", Friday informs me.

It has to be about y/n. I don't wait any longer as I sprint off the the conference room.

I'm apparently the last one at the meeting because everyone is already here. Oh god it must be pretty bad if Fury got ALL the avengers together. Even Yelena is here.

"Barnes", Fury address me and points to an empty chair, "Sit." I don't hesitate because I want to know what the fuck is going on.

"I sent y/n on a secret mission. She was meant to retrieve a stolen SHIELD file that was in the hands of HYDRA. But of course, this is Wattpad. So the mission went wrong and y/n has been captured. We need you to bring her and the files back... safely." Fury informed us.

First of all, what the flying fuck is Wattpad? And second, a can't believe no body told me. Nearly everyone saw me running around the compound all day yet nobody stopped me.

He hands each of us information folders and leaves the room to do god knows what.

I start to flick through the folder. Soaking up every piece if information possible. I frowned. Why didn't she tell me, I mean I know it was a secret mission and that's okay but she didn't even say goodbye.

We all leave the room, suit up and head towards the Quinjet.


"Security breach; west wing, ground floor." The guards radio, who was standing outside my cell, blared. He silenced his radio and turned to me.

"Don't get your hopes up little lady. Your friends are going to be dead by the time they get here." He snarls. I look at him confused.

"Uhh... I don't think that last sentence made sense."

"Ot'va li suka." Fuck off bitch. Wooooow. How rude. Two can play that game.

"Uno reverse dick head!" I shout back but choke on blood. Shit. The guard looks unimpressed.

I look down to see that my thigh was bleeding a lot, the blood was thick, dark red and flowing like a fountain out my leg.

The guards radio went crazy again. People shouting in Russian saying that they need help, that there's too many intruders.

I look up from my lord and see that the guard is not alone. Someone is standing behind him.

When the guard starts fighting them I get a better look.

A head of blond hair and what seems to be a white widow suit. Oh and a narley green vest. I could only assume she was Yelena, Nat told me about her.

She took the HYDRA guard down in seconds, not even having to put in any effort at all.

She then stole his key card and unlocked the cell door for me. She puts a hand up to her ear.

"I have located Agent y/l/n." She helps lift me up from the ground.

"I like your vest." I compliment her. She instantly looks up at me and beams brightly.

"Oh I knew it! I knew it looked good!" She pumps her fist in the air. "Where going to be such great friends." She smiles at me.

"Hell yeah! Shall we get out of here I think I might bleed out in a few minutes..." I look down again at my wounds. The bleeding has slowed down and that's either a good thing because it means I'm getting better... or a bad thing which means I don't have enough blood left in my body to bleed.

Yelena puts my arm around her shoulder. We start running as fast as we can down the hall.

Agents are everywhere. And when I say everywhere I mean. EVERYWHERE. Its bad. Really bad.

But most of the avengers are here too though. Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Tony, Thor, Cap, Sam, Rhody, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Yelenda is holding me up, and... Bucky.

He's fighting three agent's at once. And god daym he knows how to look sexy while doing it. I pull out one of Yelena's guns and shoot one of the Agents. Then another. Then another.

Soon all of us cleared out most of the building. My shooting arm is throbbing because of the bullet wound in my shoulder. We got what we needed so we all went to leave.

I go to take a step but my legs give out. Bucky sees and raced towards me, picks me up bridal style and takes me to the Quinjet. Everyone lumbers on to the jet. Obviously tired from the amount of agents they had to take down.

Bucky places me on the medic table. Bruce and Tony immediately start trying to fix me. Well, hold me enough together until we get back to the compound.

Bucky kisses me on my sweaty forehead. I begin to feel drowsy and I fall into a long sleep. I don't dream.

Bucky's POV

"What just happened?!" I shout at Tony and Bruce.

"It seems she fell into a coma from the amount of exhaustion, and blood loss." Vision says and he phases into the room. 

"So she's not dead?" I ask him. He scans her body and shakes his head. Oh thank god. I can't loose her.

Bucky's POV

Once we got back to the compound, the doctors took y/n straight to emergency surgery. After they finished she was put into a hospital bed in the medical wing. I never left her side.

It's been about a week. She's still in a coma and I have been talking to her every day. All the avengers have come and gone to see her and talk to her.

As I'm sitting next to her bed holding her hand, I feel a small tug. My eyes shoot up to look at her face. Her eyes slowing open but squint I can only assume because of the lights.

"Y/n?" I ask. She took at me and smiles. I smile too. I couldn't be happier m, she's okay.

"Hey soldier." She blushes when I press kisses all over her face.

We're going to be okay. We all are.

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