dress to impress // b.barnes

267 6 13



'Meet me outside at 8:00pm.
P.s wear something formal.
- B'

That's what the note said. Bucky left it on my pillow next to my head after he left, I was still asleep.

It's currently 6:00pm and I have two hours to get ready. I'm a little bit nervous because this is the first date that Bucky has taken me on. Even though we have been dating for about a year now. We just never had the time.

And he wants me to wear something formal? I asked him where we were going but he said it was a surprise. I'm still excited though.

Anyway I raid my wardrobe for a dress. I find a stunning black one piece that I absolutely love, it's skin tight and reaches my ankles. It has a large slit down my left thigh. Sexy but formal at the same time.(You can change it to what ever you want if you don't like it.)

I slip into it and start doing my hair.I end up twirling it into a simple bun, easy, but pretty. My makeup is full of natural brown and I top it all off with a shuttle peach lipgloss. (You can also change that to whatever you want.)

I slip on a pair of black stilettos and by then it's 7:45pm. I make my way downstairs calling Bucky as I do so.

"Heyy doll. You ready? I'm downstairs." Bucky's voice chimes through the phone.

"I'm all most there babe I'm just heading down the stairs now." I reply. About ten seconds later I walk out of the building.

Holy shit.

Bucky's standing there in a full on tuxedo, his hair is in a loose man bun and he's leaning on his motorbike. He's so clueless of how good he looks because he's paying attention to something on his phone. But shit.

Turn on? Hell yeah.

"Well don't you look handsome." He looks up from his phone and his eyes widen. I blush.

"You look amazing doll," I somehow blush even harder. "Like a princess," He shoves his phone into his pocket and walks over to me. Taking my hand he presses a kiss to the back of it. "Your highness." He teases.

"Shut up babe," I give him an eye roll. He laughs and I giggle. He turns around and sits on his motorbike. Uhhh how the hell am I supposed to get on a motorcycle I'm a dress?

You know what? Yolo. I quickly climb onto the bike. I grab the end of my dress and tuck it in between be legs so it doesn't fly away. Bucky hands me a helmet, which I reluctantly put on. I don't want to ruin my hair and makeup. But again, I do it anyway.

He still hasn't told me where we're going yet.

Bucky turns the motorbike on and starts driving us to the secret destination.

"Where are we going?!" I yell over the loud sounds of traffic.

"You'll see!" He reply's. I roll my eyes again even though he can't see it.


Finally, we arrive to wherever Bucky was taking me.

"Close your eyes doll..." I do as he says. He leads me into a building. That's literally all I can make out. It was cold outside but it's not cold anymore so we must be inside. A familiar smell wafts into my nose. I just can't put my finger on it. I hear Bucky pull out a chair for me as he sits me down.

"Open." He says from the other side of the table. I open my eyes and see that I'm sitting in a... McDonalds.

Completely overdressed. I don't know why but I love it. I smile and giggle at Bucky. He laughs too.

"What would you like to eat from this fine cuisine your highness?" He asks me with a posh accent.

"Hmm I'm thinking I'll dine on a large cheeseburger meal with an extra cheeseburger, thank you servant." I give him my best posh accent I could and he chuckles.

"Large cheeseburger meal with an extra cheeseburger it is," he gets up out of the booth and goes to order our food. I can't stop laughing at the fact that he got me to dress up so formally to go to a McDonalds.

A few minutes later he comes back and sits down.

"Ok a cant keep doing the accent thingy it's making me laugh," he says, "seriously though you look so beautiful." Looking into his eyes I blush.

"Your not too bad yourself." I say truthfully.

We chat for a few minutes until our food comes out. He ordered a forty two pack of chicken nuggets. Somehow he shoves eight into his mouth an almost chokes, leading me to accidentally spit out my coke onto the table, laughing hysterically.

We talk endlessly for hours until Bucky flicks a chip at my face.

I gape at him, throwing back another chip.

We start a food fight.

I scramble out of my chair and duck behind another table, I grab my pack of chips and start throwing them at Bucky. Who took cover under another booth.

Ten minutes later we end up getting kicked out because we were causing a mess.

We both didn't want the night to end so we decided to go for a walk.

The city was pretty quiet because it was late at night. I took out my bun and just let my h/c hair flow down my back.

Shortly after we left the McDonalds it started to rain. Not heavily, but enough to make my hair and my dress to stick to me.

Bucky stops walking and turns to me, I look at him curiously. He slowly leans in, our lips almost touching and he says,

"Can I kiss you?" I nod my head and go to lean forward but he stops me. "Use your words doll." Fuck... that's so hot.

"Yes Bucky I want you to kiss me." I breath out the reply.

He connects our lips instantly and I moan against his lips. They tasted a little bit salty from the fry's before, and god their so soft. He moans into my mouth and I take the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth.

I hook my arms around his neck. His hands respectfully resting on my waist, pulling me in closer. Our tongues battling for dominance. Of course, he won. We pull apart, foreheads resting on each other.

Good lord. This date has been beyond perfect.

"That was amazing doll." He grins.

"I definitely want to do that again." I tell him. I wanna do that again... In his bed. IM KIDDING.

Or am I? Yeah I'm not kidding.

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