love again // b.barnes

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Request from: theGoddessOfMischeif
Prompt request: "Bucky shows you how to love again"


"Hey, Josh, i'm home!" I call out to my boyfriend of three years. I have been on a mission for a week in Budapest, and I just walked in the door.

I drop my bags on the flood with a thud and throw my keys on the bench. "Hello?" I call out again. He must have planned a surprise or something, he's always here when I get back from missions... I wonder.

I start to get a bad feeling and head towards my bedroom door.

My foot catches something and I look down, I gasp when I pick up a pair or red lace panties. Those aren't mine.

I huff and barge through the bedroom door. I see Josh and some girl 'rolling around' in the sheets. The girl let's out a squeal when she sees me and covers herself. "Who the fuck is that?!" She screams.

"Uhh..." Josh looks at me in fear and embarrassment. Good, he should be embarrassed. And ashamed. How could he do this to me?

I just stand there with my mouth open, too in shock to even process what I'm seeing.

The girl looks between us and puts two and two together. We're partners, and Josh just cheated on me.

I see the girl scramble to put her clothes back on. She gets up and slaps Josh, -very hard I must say-, in the face, and turns to me.

"I am so so sorry I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. He said he was single on the app." She explains, then leaves. App? What app? A dating app?

My anger doubles in a matter of seconds. I leap at him and punch him hard in his face. That will definitely leave a bruise.

"Y/N wait!" "Fuck you! I'm done!"

I grab my things and leave the apartment, not looking back.

I have no where else to go, so I head to the Avengers Tower.

"Good afternoon Miss Y/L/N." Friday greets.

"You can call me just Y/N, you know that fri." I sigh.

I get a reply that's something like, 'Ok, just y/n.' I roll my eyes, Tony must have added some dad jokes to Friday.

I head straight to my room and put all my bags down.

I have a shower and walk to the towers kitchen. I grab the first ice-cream flavour I see and dump myself on the couch.

I scroll through Netflix and pick an action movie. Because who wants to watch a romance when you just got cheated on?

Not me that's for sure.

About an hour later my spoon hits the bottom of my ice cream bowl and that's when the tears start flowing.

They don't stop for a long, long, time.

I made a promise to myself that I would never let anyone do that to me again, so I shut myself off from relationship's. Refusing to date anyone anymore.

*2years later*

A few months ago Steve introduced a friend of his to the team. His name is Bucky.

There was a whole civil war, and it was bad. I didn't pick as side because I didn't want to fight. I just sat on the sidelines, -at the airport-, and ate a bag of chips, with my good friend Wade.

He kept making jokes and making me laugh so he cheered me up a bit.

I don't really have an opinion on Bucky. I know that he killed Tony's parents but at the same time, it wasn't him. He was being controlled by HYDRA.

Anyway, we train a lot together and he's actually really nice. I thi-

I get thrown out of my thoughts when I catch his metal fist, right before it hits my face. I don't have any time to move out of the way when he picks me up and flings me on the mat.

"C'mon Y/N, focus. I could have hurt you." He huffs. I sigh and he helps me up. We stand there for a while not moving. I don't know why. He slowly leans in and I snap out of it.
I dodge.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's okay." I say. "I'm just not ready for another relationship." He respectfully backs away, nodding. He hesitates before asking, "May I ask why?"

I explain that a couple years ago I was cheated on and I was really distraught. And that I didn't want to feel that again.

He understood completely and apologised a lot for trying to kiss me.

*Three months later*

"Y/N, Mr Barnes has requested your assistance in the training room." Friday informs me. This is normal. We always train together every day at 6pm. It's 5:55.

"Thanks Friday." "No problem Y/N."

I walk into the training room and see Bucky wrapping his flesh hand, getting ready for a fight. He must have already done a warm up because I can se sweat rolling down his back. Hot.

No, no! What am I doing?! I said I wouldn't feel that way about someone again! I mentally kick myself.

"Hi, wanna spar or just go for a run?" He asks when he sees me.

"Uh, I want to spar." I say with a smirk. I got close to winning last time.

"Ok. Be ready to be beaten." He jokes.

We climb into the bay and get in to fight position.

He jabs at my stomach and I dodge. We circle each other. I throw a punch to his side and I only just miss. With the momentum of the punch I stumble past him. He smacks me on my behind. I blush and gawk at him, half smirking. He has that signature sly smile.

A lot of punches and tackles later were circling each other again. Were both sweating profusely and are breathing pretty heavily.

I back up a strap and lunge at him, wrapping my legs around his head. He brings his hands up to support my waist and pulls me down. My back slams into the mat and I put him in a chokehold.

He taps my arm and I lay go. Expecting him to tap out.

Apparently he plays dirty because he tricked me. When I let go he spun is around so he was straddling me. Holding my hands above my head.

I didn't like that.

I flip us again and I put all my weight on his shoulders so he stays down. Instead of fighting back he puts his hands on my waist and accepts it. Looking into my eyes and breathing heavily. He leans in, hesitates, and stops.

Instead of kissing me he whispers, "Give me one chance and I promise you I'll treat you right." He touches his forehead with mine and rubs our noses together. His breath fans across my face.

A million thought enter my head all at once. I cant. I can't do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can.

I not my head very slowly but he gets the signal and presses out lips together. The kiss was long and sweet. Pure and gentle.

We pull apart breathless.

"I think I like you." I say.

"I think I might like you too." He laughs pressing sweet kisses all over my face. I swat him away, insisting that I am too sweaty. He mumbles something like 'I dont care.' And continues kissing me.

For the first time in a long time I'm...happy. Bucky truely showed me how to love again.

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