Chapter 11 - Search

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Third POV

Two days have passed since Cynthia has fallen off from the cliff. No one knows where she went or what happened to her. Yet alone, they were starting to get worried of their missing comrade. She promised them that it wouldn't take her that long to go on the job that she chose, but in this case... they think that it took her a long time to finish the job.

"Dad! I'm starting to get really worried about Cynthia onee-chan! She's been gone for two days already!", young Romeo told his dad with worry in his voice.

"I know, I got a bad feeling about this..." he replied while looking at the door.

"I'm gonna go and find her!" Romeo declared.

"No you cannot! Stay here and wait for her. Have faith, Romeo" Macao sternly said.

"I'm tired of waiting! I'm going to find her Dad! I don't want to lose her like Natsu-nii and the rest... I'm going to find her!" he angrily said while clenching his fists.

Everyone in the guild were somewhat surprised of what Romeo mentioned, they all hung their heads down and darkened their expression. Tension waved throughout the small lobby, mixed with pain and grief. Romeo noticed this and made an inaudible sigh.

"Hmph, go do whatever you want Romeo" Macao mocked and turned away from his son.

"I will!" Romeo ran out of the guild to find Cynthia.

"Shouldn't you stop him?" his partner Wakaba started to asked Macao while smoking on his usual cigar.

"I would but... Ah... who am I kidding. The boy is right" Macao sighed in frustration while Wakaba pulled out his cigar from his lips and opened his mouth ajar to let the smoke escape.

"It'll be alright..." Kinana added while drying the dishes from the counter.


Romeo's POV

I was looking around town for Cynthia onee-chan. She had to be here somewhere and I just know it! I can't believe my dad who told me to wait patiently for her. But I just can't! She was like an older sister to me, I don't want to lose another member of my friends, my guild, another family member. Tears were starting to form in my eyes but I quickly wiped them off and kept on searching.

Magnolia was sort of a big town so it took me a few hours to look around. I even asked a few people if they have seen her by telling them her appearance. But they all replied with the same answer, which was definitely a no. This got me even more worried.

'Where in the world have you gone Cynthia onee-chan?' I thought to myself. I gave out a loud sigh and a man turned to look at me.

"Are you alright young one?" he asked.

"Uh... Y-yeah I'm alright..." I gave him a smile.

"Hmmm, doesn't look like it." he answered back with his eyes narrowing at me.

"Well actually there is something. I'm looking for my older sister well not biologically but I like to call her one because she acts like it... and she's been missing for two days already! I'm really worried about her" I told him giving a sad expression on my face.

"A lost sister? Would you care to describe her to me?" he curiously asked me while holding his chin. The man didn't seem to be dangerous or a threat to me, but he seemed too anxious about Cynthia onee-chan. I had no other choice though. I might as well tell him but keep my guard up if anything suspicious happens.

"Well... she has long sand beach hair, she always puts them in two uh... twin pigtails? What girls would call it... Has big purple orbs with so much life in them, she's taller than me by at least 2 inches, and has a lavender Fairy Tail guild mark on her right hip." I said trying to remember her appearance from the top of my head.

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