Chapter 36 - Preparation

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Woooooot! 2 Chappies in one day! I bet you guys didn't see that coming?! ;)

Enjoyyyy this long one c:


Cynthia's POV

Time Skip!~ 6 Hours Later! Around 9 pm.

"Just 10 more batches of cooked food and 5 platters of baked goods left!" I beamed while sprinkling cheddar cheese on top of the lasagna I made and shaking my butt to the tone of the outgoing music.

"Oi, Cee-chan! I'm ba.... woah!" I heard a familiar voice called out from behind and turned to see that it was Sting who look tired and amused.

"Welcome back home!" I beamed and walked over to the table to grab some seasoning mix.

"Wow... look at the amazing food! You're so fast and it smells really good Cee-chan! And nice uh... dance moves... the music you're blasting, it's really something." he smirked as he walked over to the radio and turned down the volume just a notch.

"Y-You saw that?!" I blushed in embarrassment, ignoring the part of my cooking skills.

"Well yeah... who wouldn't?! Your butt... it was right in front of m-"


I cut him off by throwing one of my flats at his face, leaving a red mark of my footprint of my flat shoe. His eyes widened in surprise and instantly replaced it by wincing and rubbed his face.

"Pervert!" I huffed, my blush deepening in shade.

"I didn't mean to! It was there! I'm a guy and you know...!" he mumbled.

"Ah, whatever. How was work?" I flushed and turned back to the counter to start on a new dish.

"It was boring and tiring with all of those papers... It wasn't as much as before... but it was just so annoying to do." he rubbed his temples as he walked over to the table and stared at the food in awe.

It looked like he was drooling at the corner of his mouth and chuckled lightly. After grabbing a few packets of spices, I placed them on the counter and walked over to a plate of food, grabbed it and placed it in front of Sting who tilted his head in confusion.

"What's this?" he asked, looking closely at the food and took a sniff at it.


"Of course it's food, but why is it in front of my face?"

"I-It's... for you..." I stuttered in embarrassment.

"F-For me?!" his mouth gaped open and his cheeks were tinted pink.

"Well yeah... I wanted you to try it and there was a few extras." I shrugged my shoulders, trying to hide my blush and walk back to the counter.

"Thank you Cee-chan..." he smiled and took a first bite at the plate of food in front of him. I fidgeted nervously, waiting for his feedback of my food. Was it horrible? Good? or was it just okay?! Many worried thoughts were consuming me, waiting nervously for him to speak up.

"This.... is... amazing Cee-chan!! It's so delicious!" he grinned and took more bites into his mouth. My heart fluttered in a million beats per second, my face turning pink from his sudden cry and I could feel butterflies in my tummy. He likes it!? I'm so glad!


"Where did you learn how to cook this?! I could eat your cooking everyday!" he beamed.

"I uh... read books about some recipes..."

"You just read books and then you make these delicious and outstanding dishes?! You're incredible! You'll make a great wife someday!" he gave out a wholeheartedly laugh followed by a grin planted on his face. 'A great wife someday?! This was too embarrassing...' I thought. My heart was pounding even harder like it could burst any second, I can already tell that my whole face was blood red and I stood there frozen in place.

Don't Forget Me. Sting x OC. ♡ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now