Chapter 54 - Three Dragons VS Darkness

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I know.... Three days since I've haven't updated this story and I bet you readers were waiting and wanting to read another chapter.... and I'm soooooo sorry! I've been lazy and not that motivated as much.... I don't know why ):

No it is not Writer's Block.... *Shudders*, I know what to write but I got s lazy to write it out.
Buuuuut right now, I'm writing the next chapter! It'll be out tomorrow at night! I promise! I'll make sure to finish it >:D

Cause I am upset with myself for not being able to write. Sooo anywayssss..... here's the chapter! It's a long one. Hope you can forgive me >.< Mistakes or anything, I'll fix it soon.

Chapter shoutout to everyoneeeee. and in the last Chapter I haven't s/o to carolinemalfoy1234, ArielLux, MaleahAurelio, SweetBrownie07, annnnnd others.... Sorry if I didn't shout out to you at all. Just tell me and I'll add you up c:

Ohh~ annnd. 12 K REAAADSS! YASSSS <3333 Thanks guys <3333 love you all c':



Third POV

"Shimata! Natsu-san! Rogue!" Sting yelled as he dodged the explosive attack that Kurai launched from behind.

"That's not fair!" Natsu roared angrily and childishly, as his flames were breathing out from his mouth. In the process, making Rogue and Sting to sweat drop at the behavior of their favorite Dragon Slayer.

"I don't play by the rules." Kurai sneered.

"Then I won't either! Karyuu no Tekken! (Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!)" Natsu shouted before making a punch on Kurui cheek, sending him to fly back with a powerful blow.

"Natsu-san is so cool!" Sting chimed with sparkles in his eyes.

"Sting you baka. We have more things to concentrate for." Rogue rolled his eyes.

"R-Right. It's all for Cee-chan." Sting chuckled before giving a glare towards Kurai who was smirking.

"Damn. You're not that easy to bring down." Natsu chuckled.

"But it makes it more fun this way. Doesn't it?" Kurai chuckled back, before dashing towards him and kicked Natsu on the side.

"Natsu-san!", "Natsu!", Sting and Rogue shouted out to him but in a flash, Kurai easily went behind them and blasted dark magic on their backs.

Sting and Rogue were suddenly flown up into the air with Kurui who jumped up high into the air and elbowed and kicked the Twin Dragon Slayers of Sabertooth to the ground from the air. Creating a huge crater below them.

"You three think you can attack me that easily? You thought wrong." Kurai laughed as he slowly float himself down onto the ground.

"Of course. We have to beat you up to bring back Cee-chan!" Sting hollered as he got up from his spot. "Holy Ray!"

"Dark Mist Barrier." Kurai chanted before a black shield enveloped him, letting the white beam to bounce off and towards the direction of the other two Dragon Slayers who were getting into position. Just in a knick of time, both Rogue and Natsu made it out just before they sent a glare towards Sting, who seemed to be fazed by his magic to not be able to break down Kurai's barrier.

"Oi, Sting you bastard!" Natsu yelled angrily, but in a childish manner.

"Sting! Are you trying to get us too?!" Rogue growled.

"HUH?! Natsu-san, Rogue I didn't! It was the barrier that did it!" Sting shouted, as an irk mark appeared on his forehead.

"You could've at least controlled it where you were aiming it at!" Rogue hissed, making Sting to roll his eyes at his partner.

Don't Forget Me. Sting x OC. ♡ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now