Chapter 34 - Ideas and Getaway

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Sorry about Zeref in the last chapter guys... muhaha. I am so evil ^o^ ! ~ Anyways here's the next chapter! Shout out to Tzubaky, purpleflamestar, Crystalmy188, Illuminated_Moon, Stella_Villiana, MoonstoneAlchemist, SissiT927, _sweat_tea_, candypeacelady, & loveyoufairytail! Boy that's alot :D Errr..... enjoy this chapter ! Next one up in a few days! :)


Sting's POV

"Oi, Sting-kun!... Sorry I mean... Master! What are you doing?" Lector asked from below as I was writing on a piece of paper with a smug grin on my face.

"Forget calling me Master, Lector! Just Sting-kun is fine." I smiled at him then went back with an evil grin on my face.

"R-Right... So what are you exactly doing? Rogue-kun and Frosch were wondering if your up for a mission today." he sweat dropped.

"Maybe next time... I have a loadful of papers to sign and other stuff as a Master of Sabertooth.." I groaned while rubbing my forehead.

"If you say so... too bad Cynthia-chan isn't here. Maybe she can join in on our mission? I really miss her, even Rogue-kun and Frosch miss her too."

"I do too, but sometimes we can't always get what we want. Right?"

'As much as I wanted Cynthia to be here with us... with me, we couldn't have everything. That's just how life goes. Or maybe I can change that?', I thought.

"I guess..." he shrugged his shoulders and turned to walk out the office.

"I'll try to finish what I can and hopefully we can go out!"

"Okay Sting-kun! I'll let Rogue-kun and Frosch know." he smiled and proceeded to walk out the door.

I sighed in slight frustration as I set the paper down that I wrote on and swiveled my chair to face the huge pile of papers on top of my desk. After that whole accident at the inn,in Fiore and the Grand Magic Games, I became the Master of Sabertooth since I was known as a candidate as a Master by our lady... who seemed to have disappeared. We were all worried about her. Even if she was rude and had that attitude of just thinking about winning and being the strongest, we all still treat her as a comrade.

Ever since I became Master, I wanted to change the ways of Sabertooth, where we would all treasure and protect our comrades. Well learnt from Natsu-san and my dearest best friend Cynthia.

I've missed her so much. I wanted to hear her voice, her smile, that cute pink tinted cheeks of hers every time she blushes, her flowy sand brown silky hair lingering on my fingers. Her scent also drove me crazy. My dragon was calling for her but I had to keep it within me and forget this type of feeling. I groaned as I took the first paper out from the pile and signed it. This was very annoying and frustrating to do these paperwork. Why must a Master have to go through these things?!

Even so, its been a couple of weeks since I've last seen Cynthia and her guild. I really did miss her. My heart felt a pang and I felt empty, even though I'm with my other best friends with me. It just wasn't enough to satisfy me. I'm missing something... I'm missing her. I just knew it. I want her to be by my side just like when we were kids.

But just how can I return her memories of us together? It was my very first thing to do on my list, but ever since I became the Master it took a lot of my time... and it would be in my way. But no matter how long it takes I will find her memories and let her remember.

For her to remember our promises we made, our special times together and how we first met. I let out another huge sigh and slammed my head onto my desk, making the pile of paper to fall out of place and topple over onto the floor.

Don't Forget Me. Sting x OC. ♡ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now