Chapter 22 - Crave and Despise

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Honestly this chapter was the longest and almost 10,000 words!
But I cut it short since it's too long! I hope you guys don't mind! c:
The picture above of Sting... *•*
He is so sexy omg . Fangirling over here xD
Back to the story!

Sting's POV

It was the end of Day two for the games today and here I am, lying in bed in my assigned room at the inn while staring up at the white ceiling ahead of me. The room was now consumed in darkness, looming over me and Lector as we lay. The moonlight shone through the glass panel and Lector was sitting on the bed next to me while he stared at me.

I thought about what happened earlier today, the Chariot game with Natsu-san and Gajeel-san, but the thought of those moving wagons... I almost conquered that annoying motion sickness but I was more pissed at what Natsu-san said. Comrades are still such nonsense. I don't give a damn about thinking or caring for them...comrades. All I thought about was Lector's sake, being stronger and the most powerful Dragon Slayer than Natsu-san and even for Cynthia... to prove to her that I can protect her.

But what made me feel worse inside was how Cynthia came up to me and slapped me before I could even speak. I was too shocked to even do anything. I never had anyone raised their hand at me, yet alone a girl! To make it even worse... it was Cynthia's hand. The guilt was slowly eating me.

She even broke down in front of me, crying out the pain that she held on since she was doing her best to hold up Fairy Tail during those seven years with the disappearance of Natsu-san and the others. I really don't care about them, all I cared about was Cynthia and how fragile she was. Why hasn't she told me that she was in Fairy Tail when we met? Many thoughts in my mind were having many different explanations that could possibly lead to her reason, but I could think of none.

I remember holding her in my arms, and she did the same to me. It felt right... she even cupped my cheeks and those delicate hands of hers, they were warm and comforting. Her purple orbs were staring into mine and it felt like nothing else mattered, that it was only her and me. For me to feel her warmth again, her smell, her silky long hair running through my fingers, the warm salty tears that ran down her soft cheeks of hers. I wanted to make them go away but all I could do was hold her in my arms and let her sob into my chest. It felt... nice surprisingly. I missed her touch, her smile the past times we had together when we were young.

This made me even more motivated to become stronger for her, to defeat Fairy Tail and make her come to Sabertooth so she can be by my side like before. To tell her that my guild is stronger and better than their lame guild of Fairy Tail. But I just don't have the...guts to do that... Why? Why don't I feel like I can force her to come to Sabertooth? My stomach had another pit drop or guilt and it was really bothering me. My thoughts were cut off by something poking me and trying to speak to me, which I have ignored for the past minutes just thinking about her.

"Sting-kun! Did you just hear what I said?!" Lector sighed.

"Oh, gomen Lector..." I murmured while turning to face him.

"I said, what are you thinking about."

"It's nothing... don't worry about it." I ruffled his head and closed my eyes.

"Are you sure? You seem to be spacing out... is this about Yukino-kun being kicked out of the guild? Cause if it is, we don't need the weak ones at Sabertooth! Only the strong ones, and you're the strongest!" he proudly grinned.

"It's not about Yukino... " I mumbled.

"Then what?"

"Nothing. Just the games earlier..."

Don't Forget Me. Sting x OC. ♡ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now