Chapter 3

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Lady Saffron Munroe (Kevin's date)
Age: 22

Lady Diana Russel
Age: 19

Lady Bianca Slater-Ashford
Age: 30

Lord Braxton Ashford
Age: 3

Lady Bethany Ashford
Age: 3


The rest of the day flew by in a blur and before I knew it, night had fallen. It was time for the New Year's Ball, one of the most highly anticipated events for royals and noble alike. I would be attending as Ashton's date which would further confirm the suspicions of everyone present. Most of the direct royal family already knew that we were betrothed, but they weren't allowed to confirm anything to the public.

"All done!" the girl who had been styling my hair announced happily.

My eyes met my reflection in the mirror and I could see her proud smile behind me. She'd outdone herself. My hair was done in a half up-half down style and spiraled down my back in soft curls that shone brightly under the lights. It had taken more than an hour and I was happy to finally be able to get up.

"It's beautiful!" I grinned at her. "Thank you!"

She barely got to respond because Alexandre was already leading me into the dressing room. His hands were donned with a dressing gown bag which he handed to my attendants. It still felt weird to be waited on like this. After living twenty-one years waiting on myself, I doubt I'd get used to having others insisting on doing everything for me.

The gown was silver and trailed along the ground with a high split came up just above my knee. The color brought out the blue in my eyes Alexandre had emphasized. As usual, it was a custom made Gabaccino gown that was sure to turn heads.

I let out a soft sigh as I stepped into the heels Alexandre had picked out for me. Like the last time he'd dressed me, he insisted on tempting my ankles to break themselves. Just like the last time, I tried to talk my way out of wearing them and just like the last time, he'd won.

This time, however I'd insisted on wearing my own jewelry. I donned the necklace that Ashton had given me and my bracelet that held so many memories, some forgotten. I always wore it on special occasions mainly because I used to consider it a good luck charm. Now it reminded me of my mom Isabelle and Lucas, the father I was yet to meet. It didn't seem likely but I was hoping he'd somehow show up today. Perhaps he was still hesitant about encountering the royals. My mother had kept his identity from King Caden for a reason. I had to do the same.

"You've been awfully quiet, Elizabeth," Alexandre commented with a slight frown. "Is everything alright?"

"Oh." I gave him a small smile. "Just some last minute nerves kicking in, I suppose."

"What's there to be worried about? It's only a few hundred people."

I narrowed my eyes at the teasing glint in his eyes. "That's a few hundred too much for me."

"You will get used to it in time, my dear." He waved my concerns away. "You're absolutely gorgeous. I've outdone myself this time." He circled me, admiring the ensemble with a pleased grin. "I must let Gabaccino know how well this dress suits you... Perhaps he will design your gown."

"What gown?" I asked, confused. Was there another event I needed to attend? I stifled a groan.

Alexandre's lip tilted up in a knowing smile. "Your wedding gown, of course."

My eyes bulged at his nonchalant answer. There was no way he knew. "I-"

"Never mind that," he hushed me. "I can tell. Women glow differently when they're in love. Your prince is glowing too in his own way. I saw the Declaration ceremony, you know. Then again, who didn't?" He laughed. "It's obvious to me that you two are head over heels for each other."

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