Chapter 56 Pt. 2

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It only took a moment for her victorious grin to morph into a frown. I was still alive.

Rosaline's extended nails had penetrated my skin, causing the sharp pain, but that impact was too shallow to wound me fatally.

It took another second for my blurry vision to register that someone was standing in front of me. No, saying they were simply standing in front of me was an understatement.

Rosaline's blow had been mitigated by that person leaping in front of me at the exact moment that she'd lunged forward in her attack.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. My mind couldn't process everything so quickly. Her nostrils flared as she realized what had happened and she wrenched her arm from the person, causing a gush of blood to further color her clothes and the grass red.

Cracks resounded around the clearing and there was a groan and their body slumped against mine. It was then that time began to flow again, and I came to the sickening realization that the body belonged to Garrett.

"You're a lucky b*tch." Rosaline laughed to herself, but it was humorless. "I aimed right for the heart, but this man protected you at the last second."

"Garrett!" His eyelids were drooping and his breathing was labored. My entire body was shaking and my hands went numb as I tried to support his weight. "Stay with me!"

I was vaguely aware of the others yelling something, but the blood pooling from Garrett had my full attention. Blood pounded in my ears as my body moved on its own to apply pressure to his wound, but the injury was severe. He was losing too much blood. I needed something to bandage his wounds, but Rosaline was already getting ready to attack again. I had to protect Garrett, because there was no way he'd be able to teleport himself away in this state.

Rosaline flashed a vulpine grin at us, flashing the blood off her hands, and her figure started to blur again. I had to do something—anything!

Think Elizabeth! Please don't be useless! Garrett's life is depending on you!

I shifted his body to the side and prepared to face her. I would not let Garrett's injuries be in vain. I would get him out of here. I would beat her.

Warmth flowed throughout my body, and while I thought it might have been the blood. I felt it was something more—a force that expanded and thrummed within me.

I would release it all right here. This would end right here.

Rosaline charged again, and I raised my hand that was no longer shaking. I had no idea what I was doing, but it felt natural. Power surged through every cell, begging to be released, and through the haze I could see Rosaline's perplexed expression.

Her next blow didn't land, and in an instant we were consumed by a darkness so deep it robbed us of our every sense.

Someone grabbed my hand and Garrett's body was pulled away from me. For a second, I wondered if my unique ability had just manifested, but I couldn't make sense of the impermeable darkness that blocked out every photon of light. The person urged me forward and, since they had Garrett, I followed them attentively.

After about a minute, we came to a sudden stop, and the person released my hand. If I wasn't the darkness user, had the actual user finally revealed themself to us? As important as that thought was, it was quickly thrust to the back of mind because Garrett's life was still in jeopardy and every second counted.

The obscurity slowly dissipated, and the first person I saw was Ashton, who immediately rushed over to gather me in his arms. Twain stood to our left, comforting Cyrena as she sobbed, and Jun was at the front, surveying the last person who held onto Garrett. Finally, the last remnants of the darkness faded to reveal Duncan.

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