Chapter 55 Pt. 2

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We traveled for six days and got to know more about the brothers. Because of their polar opposite personalities, it wasn't hard to tell them apart.

After the death of their parents, their selfish family had stolen their inheritance and kicked the brothers to the curb without a penny to their names. Twain supported himself and his brother by selling his books and poems, and performing as a traveling actor. Duncan often drew the illustrations for the books.

Twain was a vibrant character who happily recited poems and performed for anyone who might offer him a pair of watchful eyes, which was usually Cyrena.

Despite her mistrust of Origens, she somehow got swept up in Twain's infectious bubble of happiness and the two quickly became friends.

Duncan still didn't say much and mostly kept to himself, but when the three of them were together, it didn't usually take long before even he started talking and occasionally showing a rare smile. The trio had an unusual chemistry, yet it worked.

It made me happy to see them happy.

We had revealed our true identities as Origins to them-after we'd come to trust them-and let them in on our plan of searching for the darkness user, but they'd never heard of anyone possessing a unique ability like that.

They wouldn't be coming with us to Lydia, but they promised to accompany us as far as the Spade Kingdom harbor. From there, we'd board a ship and set sail for the continent of Lydia.

"My siren~" Twain sang as he went room to room searching for Cyrena, his new best friend. "Won't you tell me how old you really are?"

"Did no-one ever tell you not to ask a woman about her age?" Garrett arched a brow. "A question like that is sure to shave at least ten years off your life."

"I'll take my chances." Twain grinned. "Oh my siren~ Where are you?"

"Will you keep it down?" Cyrena popped out of the adjoining room to splatter him with paint. "Duncan's asleep. Don't wake him up."

"The most beautiful siren has appeared!" Twain cooed. "My dear, will you tell me how many lifetimes you've lived?"

"He really asked her." Garrett chuckled, fully enjoying the show. "Aim for the chin, Cyrena."

"I'm a hundred and twelve," she lied. "Now leave me alone. You are too young for me."

"Yesterday you said you were ninety." Twain pouted. "Won't you tell me the truth?"

"Never." She teased, returning to her painting.

Cyrena refused to admit to Twain that he was actually older than her. Twain had the misconception that most Origins were near ancient, and she found it amusing to keep him guessing at her age.

Twain smiled at her retreating figure. I was happy that they'd become friends. Cyrena hadn't talked about painting since leaving the Spade castle but Duncan and Twain encouraged her every day until she finally picked up the paintbrush-albeit to chase them with it for annoying her-but then, she'd sat down and made the first stroke on the paper.

By the next morning, she'd completed her first new artwork: a painting of a bird with midnight feathers perched on a branch, watching while another bird with violet feathers soared triumphantly against the backdrop of a sunset.

The picture that represented the two brothers had moved Twain to tears and Cyrena, pleased with how nicely the painting had turned out, said she would give it to them as a memento when we parted ways.

It was obvious that Twain liked Cyrena. Duncan realized this, too, and tried to give them as much space to spend time alone. It would be hard on all three of them when we left the Spade Kingdom. If Cyrena wanted to stay with them, I wouldn't stop her.

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