Chapter 32

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I waited another day; another day that drew by so tormentingly slow. Jackson still hadn't been able to get a hold of Demetri and we were growing more restless by the minute. It was time I took matters into my own hands. I had to go back to Crysauralia and get word of the emperor's plan to Ashton. It was risky, seeing as I hadn't shifted yet and it was only a matter of time before I did, but there was no other way.

"Luca's back now," Rosaline mentioned after breakfast. "He came back early this morning but you were fast asleep. He didn't want to wake you."

"Where is he now? I need to talk to him."

"I'm sure you have a lot to say to each other." She nodded. "You'll shift soon, very soon."

"That's exactly why I need to speak to him."

We went to Luca's office after we were finished. His warm embrace greeted me as soon as I stepped through the doors. He inhaled deeply before releasing me with a smile. "Elizabeth, it seems like forever since I've seen you."

"Well,  forever was just three days ago." The corners of my lips tilted up to return his smile.

"Still, it's so rejuvenating to see you again. I feel like I've just taken a sip from the fountain of youth," he joked.

I walked with him over to his desk, fiddling with my fingers a bit. I didn't know how he would take my request but this was a matter that required great urgency. I decided to break the ice a little first.

"How was your meeting with the other Origins?" I asked, perching on the edge of the chair across from the mahogany desk.

"I didn't see them." A deep frown crossed his face. "I thought some members of the Dagon and Elfwind families had gathered in the East but there were no signs of them. The Association must have gotten there first." He loosened his tie with a sigh. His eyes flitted to Rosaline, who immediately stepped forward; ready to do anything he wanted. "Rosaline, you didn't let them know that I was back yet, did you?"

"Of course not." She shook her head. "I've kept your return a secret as you requested."

"Good. If word that I was alive got out among the Origins, then no doubt the Association would start to move. I have a plan but I need the element of surprise on my side."

I stared at the ground, feeling disheartened by the cruelty of the Origen Association. Of course Emperor Caden would have found some way to be involved in it.

"I sense you have a question for me, Elizabeth," Luca spoke up.

I stared at him, my lips parted in surprise. "Origins can sense thing like that?"

That earned a low chuckle and his eyes gleamed in amusement. "No, my dear, but I know you have something you want to ask me. I can tell. Call it a father's intuition."

I smiled softly at that. It still felt weird but strangely satisfying having him right in front of me. I'd love to introduce him to my adoptive parents, but they would probably find his youthful appearance concerning. He could pass for mid-thirties at most, not exactly the age where he could father a twenty-one year old.

"I do have something I want to ask..." I trailed off, unsure of how to tell him that I needed to go back to the country of his sworn enemies and risk shifting at any moment. "There's something important I need to do and I'm the only one who can do it."

"What is it?" He asked, gesturing for me to go on.

"I have to go back to Crysauralia fo- Please hear me out," I continued quickly as his eyes widened and Rosaline let out a dramatic gasp behind me.

"Have you lost your mind?" She asked incredulously. "Aren't you aware of how risky that would be?"

"I am," I answered, "but there's someone who's in far more danger than I am and I need to help them."

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