Chapter 80

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"Maybe." His eyes crinkled in a smile. "We have forever to figure it out."

"And then some."


One Year Later- June 21

Looking into the mirror, my reflection shimmered back at me, a sea of ivory silk that seemed to capture the soft morning sunlight streaming through the high windows.

A million tiny butterflies fluttered in my stomach, each movement echoing the frantic thud of my heart. This wasn't nervousness, though. It was an exhilarating current of excitement that pulsed through every fiber of my being. Today, I was not only marrying the man I loved. I was marrying my soulmate, Emperor Ashton DeLorentes, in a ceremony that would unite our worlds.

Callie and Melissa, my best friends and bridesmaids, buzzed around the room like happy bees. The room, bathed in the soft glow of lights, was a symphony of white-from the billowing drapery to the plush couches, punctuated only by the fragrant explosion of roses and assorted flowers that adorned every surface.

Callie, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of joy and tears, finished adjusting the intricate veil that cascaded down to the floor. Behind them, I saw my other bridesmaids-Lady Bianca, Lady Diana, Cyrena, and Sybil-all radiating joy. Each dress was a unique color, and their faces were aglow with love that transcended years of friendship.

And then there was my mom and maid of honor, Quinn. I caught her reflection in the mirror, her eyes mirroring the pride and bittersweet emotions one could expect a mother to feel on her daughter's wedding day.

Aunt Dorothy, with her ever-present laugh lines etched deeper with emotion, carefully checked my shoes to make sure they wouldn't fail me during the long walk down the aisle.

Through the doors, snippets of conversation drifted in-the hushed voices of attendants coordinating the last details for the royal wedding. I could almost hear the excited murmur of the congregation gathered outside, their anticipation mirroring my own.

"Oh, Lizzy!" Callie gasped. "You look... breathtaking." Tears welled in her bright green eyes, threatening to spill over. "I can't believe our baby is all grown up."

Melissa, always the composed one, swatted Callie's arm playfully, scolding her that she'd either ruin her makeup or end up making me cry too.

Cyrena fussed with the last tendril of my hair, weaving another diamond into the curls. Melissa painted the last strokes of makeup on my face. She had scolded Callie for crying earlier, but now she was biting her lips to hold back the tears herself.

"You look like a dream, Liz."

And I did. The woman staring back at me in the mirror was radiating happiness. Their makeup artistry had transformed me. Layers of foundation flawlessly evened my complexion out, while a subtle touch of blush on my cheekbones mirrored the excitement bubbling in my heart.

Shimmering eyeshadow, expertly blended with silver-gray at the edges, emphasized the natural almond shape of my eyes. Delicate kohl-rimmed lines elongated them further. My lips were stained a soft rose.

With a gentle squeeze on my shoulder, my mom's voice quivered with heartfelt emotion. "You look every bit of the empress you are."

"Thank you." I mouthed to her, fearing that my voice would betray me if I tried to vocalize my gratitude.

There was a small knock on the door, and mom opened it to find Luca standing on the other side, all ready in his suit. Aunt Dorothy almost dropped the bouquet in shock.

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