Chapter 71

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A/N: This chapter has two parts, both posted together. The first part is written in the 3rd person POV, and the second part is written from another character's POV. Elizabeth is six years old in the first part.

My consciousness ebbed until only darkness remained, leaving the echo of those three words.

This was death's checkmate.


Peals of laughter filled the warm air. Elizabeth looked up from her book as kids whizzed around the park, coming to a screeching halt when one of their peers tapped them on the shoulder. Freeze tag.

She knew the rules of the game well, even though she'd never played it before. If they asked her to play, then she would—but they never did, and she was much too shy to ask them.

"Let's play a new game!" The ringleader, a gangly boy with curly brown hair, announced with a huge grin.

His name might have been Robert or Robin, but Elizabeth was sure it started with a Rob because that's what everyone else called him. He was the oldest one in the group, and everyone liked him and looked up to him.

The book about horses lay half-forgotten in her lap as she watched everyone gather around the boy, their cheeks flushed with hues of happiness and their hair and clothes tossed in disarray by the wind. Somehow, through the crowd, Rob caught her eye, and his eyes glittered with mischief.

"Hey, what's your name?" He called out to her.

Elizabeth felt a surge of panic as everyone's eyes flitted to her. They were all friends with each other because they went to the same school, but Elizabeth, being homeschooled, felt like the odd one out.

"Elizabeth," she answered in a small voice.

Some of the kids whispered to each other.

"Come play with us," Rob invited, waving her over. "Let's play the 'Parents Game'."

Everyone laughed as they squeezed themselves into an untidy circle. Elizabeth didn't know that game, but she was just happy to play with others.

"When I grow up, I'm going to be a smart businessman like my dad!" Rob announced proudly.

"My dad is a businessman, too!" someone squeaked from inside the circle.

They all took turns going around and announcing their parents' jobs and what they wanted to be until they came to Elizabeth.

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