Chapter 5

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Princess Gwenivere Laurier
Age: 21

Princess Renata Laurier
Age: 18



I glanced behind me to see Princess Gwenivere, who was photocopying the minutes of the meeting. She smiled at Princess Renata with a gracefully nod before coming over to me. They were sisters? On closer look, I could make out the resemblance between them. Unlike Princess Renata, Princess Gwenivere's hair was blonde, but they definitely looked alike.

"This is for you." She handed me a copy. "I know you must be very busy so I thought perhaps I should help with this much before I leave."

"Thank you," I said, a bit surprised that she'd go out of her way to be so generous. "I really appreciate it."

Her gaze fell on my hands as she took notice of the rose. "That must be from Renata, I presume? She must like you quite a lot. She never gives away her roses. Her roses are the treasure she carries for her hero. Renata always carries those roses to thank the woman who saved her and no matter what I say to her, she won't stop. She's determined to carry them until she finds her."

"That's quite sweet of her," I admitted. "I hope she finds her soon. The woman who saved her would be happy to know that she still thinks of her so fondly."

"I agree." She nodded and tucked a few strands of hair behind her hair. The action brought my attention to the pink rose clip she wore in her hair.

"You also carry your own rose. You support your sister in your own way."

"Oh this?" she brought her fingers up to touch the clip. "You give me far too much credit, Elizabeth."

I smiled at her modesty. She really was a kind soul. "Thanks for your help during the meeting too. It was nice having someone who was willing to stand with what I had in mind for the charity gala. I'm sure your sister appreciates your support too"

Princess Gwenivere brought her hand up to her lips in a dainty chuckle. "It's the least I could do. Omegas are not bad people. I should know because I used to be quite horrid when I was younger. Renata might not remember it, but I do. That day, I was the one who called her by her name that she hated so much. I was upset with my sister and out of anger; I called her the name she hated. Renata ran away but I didn't look for her because I thought she would come back on her own." She paused with a heavy sigh. "Looking back, I wish I had followed her. Everyone soon realized that she was missing but by that time I was too scared to say anything so I kept quiet. Our cousin had been out for the entire evening and so I blamed him for not staying at home to watch Renata. He sent out bodyguards immediately and they found her and brought her back. I was so relieved to see that my sister was safe. Now Renata is still searching for the woman who saved her all those years ago."

I listened intently to what she had to say. I could tell how much she regretted being mean to her sister that day. The incident seemed to have changed her for the better. There was no sign of the horrid girl she claimed she used to be. Instead, her kindness had gained her a good reputation among royals and nobles alike.

"I'm sure she'll meet her again," I said optimistically. "Fate has a way of rewarding people who diligently wish to do good."

"I see." She paused to think about that or a moment. "Lady Fate can be quite fickle at times too. I tried to change and be a good sister but it feels like nothing really changed. Just like back then I'm still afraid to say anything. I don't know how to tell Renata that the woman who saved her is no longer in this world."

My lips parted in surprise as the meaning of her words registered. "She's...?"

"It's as you think," she murmured bitterly and her eyes clouded over with sadness. "The Omega was killed by the guards my cousin had sent. They mistakenly thought that she was the one who had tried to harm Renata. You're the first person I'm admitting it to and I know I'll have to tell Renata the truth too."

She sighed and I could feel how much pain it would cause her to tell her sister the truth. No doubt it would break Renata's heart. Hearing such a tragic story tugged at my heart. But it was also tugging at my mind, and like a coin dropped in a well, it was stirring up the recesses of my memory. I frowned at the feeling of déjà vu that enveloped me. Somehow, I had heard this all before.

"She died five years ago. She died protecting a member of the royal family... She was killed in self-defense."

Ashton's voice surged through my mind, releasing the floodgates of my memory and I remembered how during one car ride home, he'd told me about an Omega who had tragically lost her life for touching a royal, something that was forbidden. She was Grace, Jackson's soulmate.

Three years ago, Ashton had told me about what happened. This would make eight years since her unfortunate passing. The timing of events fit when Princess Renata had encountered the Omega- eight years ago. And that meant...

Although he wasn't royalty, Beau was related to Princess Gwenivere. They were cousins.

"I'll have to apologize to my cousin too," she continued. "The reason he was out was because Emperor Caden had sent for him to meet his younger son. He was planning on changing heirs and Beau was to be one of Prince Ashton's advisors. Beau's lived his life with the guilt of sending the bodyguards out. He never expected them to kill someone. And that someone turned out to be the soulmate of the guy who'd become his friend."


Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

"She died five years ago. She died protecting a member of the royal family... She was killed in self-defense."- Ashton, The Prince's Soulmate chapter 72.

Although he wasn't royalty, Beau was related to Princess Gwenivere. They were cousins. - The Prince's Soulmate chapter 108

Here's a small peek into what happened to Grace, Jackson's soulmate. Do you think Beau is to be blamed for what happened?

Should Grace have risked her life to help Princess Renata?

Leave a comment and a vote ☆ if you'd like and I'll see you in the next chapter ❤

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