Chapter 70

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Song: All I Ask by Adele


The Spade castle loomed ominously before us, silhouetted against the scorching heat. Its fortified stone walls seemed impenetrable.

So much had happened in the two months since I'd left. Regrettably, Garrett was no longer with us. The thought made my heart clench in my chest.

We had found more allies along the way, but not having him here to make some snarky comment made me feel hollow. Ashton's hand slid into mine and he nodded reassuringly.

We were about to do this. We really were about to infiltrate the Spade Kingdom. Even without the war going on, we desperately needed Luca's help.

I glanced at my blouse, which was still stained red with blood. We were running out of time.


12 hours ago

"I don't focus on silver linings in a world painted in darkness. I won't kill you, Kiyoshi," he stated after a moment of thought. "After a while, I've realized that dying isn't the most painful part. It's losing everyone you ever cared about."


Before Kiyoshi could utter the rest of the word, Ren zipped towards Jun, his eyes burning with unhindered malice.

We could do nothing but watch as a symphony of resounding cracks echoed through the forest, shattering the final remnants of our peace.

In the cacophony of despair, the world seemed to stand still. My eyes witnessed the horrifying scene in front of me before my brain had a chance to process it. Everything unfolded in the blink of an eye.

One moment Ren was hurtling towards Jun, his nails poised like cruel blades, and the next, Kiyoshi was standing in Jun's place, Ren's hand thrust entirely through his back, penetrating his abdomen.

"Kiyoshi!" Jun's anguished cry echoed through the forest from where his brother had apparently pushed him away from danger.

Ren's eyes widened as if he'd just awoken from a nightmare, only to find himself trapped in a waking horror.

"No!" He gasped, his voice quivering with desperation, and his panicked gaze fixed on the sight of blood gushing from Kiyoshi's wound. "No... no! It wasn't supposed to be you!"

Scarlet blood bubbled from Kiyoshi's lips that parted in a smile as he summoned the last remnants of his strength to wrap his trembling arms around Ren's shoulders, pulling him closer. Tears glimmered in his eyes that were dulling.

"I'm... happy that you're alive... Ren."

Kiyoshi's body went limp, and he fell to his knees with an agonizing thud. Ren withdrew his hand, a sickening squelch marking the end of their grotesque embrace.

My heart pounded relentlessly in my chest as I rushed towards Kiyoshi, finally able to control my body now that Ren was too distracted to maintain his magnetism.

He didn't stop me as I knelt beside Kiyoshi, futilely attempting to staunch the ceaseless flow of blood that oozed from his abdomen.

Ren stood there in shock, his vacant eyes wide as he muttered incomprehensibly to himself.

I couldn't hear anything over my panic of stabilizing Kiyoshi. His injury was far too severe. He would go into hypovolemic shock and possibly have a cardiac arrest.

I should have paid more attention to Jun, though, and it wasn't until Kiyoshi pushed my hand away, his eyes slightly unfocused, that I turned around to see what he was looking at.

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