Chapter 46

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"When would we leave?"

"At midnight."


I contemplated Cyrena's words in my head, trying to come to a conclusive decision as to what I would do. When I couldn't decide whether to stay or leave-and I was leaning closer to the latter-I mulled over her vision until my mind felt like jelly.

I didn't want to make the same mistakes as last time. Luca was my father, and he deserved my honesty. After all, I'd already put him and Ezra through too much. I should be grateful that he didn't lock me up and throw away the key. That freedom deserved the respect of honesty, which was why I headed to his office to discuss what was on my mind.

I only had a few more hours until midnight. If I was going to go back to Crysauralia, or anywhere near the kingdom of gold, then I needed to talk to Luca now.

I paused outside the imposing doors of his office and took a deep breath, suddenly feeling more anxious than I had before I'd started the walk to his office. What if he disapproved of me going back? Chances are, he would. Given all logic and reasoning, he should.

We hadn't yet discussed the matter of Dominic Damaris, and I figured he was leaving the decision of becoming Dominic's mate up to me. But what if there was some part of him that agreed with Rosaline? He'd already made it abundantly clear that he disapproved of Ashton and didn't want me to be soulmates with an Origen.

I took another deep breath to steady my nerves, and knocked on the door. There was no answer. That was strange. I waited a few seconds and then knocked again.

"Can I help you?" A voice answered, except it didn't come from inside.

I turned around to see Rosaline. Her brow was arched at me and her caramel eyes held a questioning gleam. She was definitely not the person I wanted to talk to about this.

"I'm looking for Luca," I said hesitantly, trying not to let the anxiety eating me up inside express itself on my face.

"He's not here," she murmured. "Malekh received some reports that a group of Origins may have been spotted in the north. Since your little escapade, more Origins have been coming out of hiding. It isn't exactly a good thing. They're an easy target for the remaining Associations. But I doubt you care very much for Origin lives to even feel a shred of remorse."

Of course, she wouldn't fail to remind me that it was my fault. I sighed. If Luca wasn't here, then Ezra was the next best option. Ezra seemed to have a good understanding of what Luca wanted, and he also respected my decisions.

"And Ezra?" I asked.

"He's with Luca." She sniffed, her eyes narrowing. "Is there a reason why you're seeking them out at this time?"

"When will they be back?" I ignored her probing. I didn't have much time and just the mere possibility that Ashton, or perhaps one of the guys, was in danger, was making my heart run a marathon.

"In a few hours." Was her simple response. Her curious gaze was burning a hole through me and it was as if she was trying to see the truth right through me. I carefully arranged my expression to give nothing away, although on the inside I was screaming.

'... and he was dying.'

I fought to keep my expression neutral as Cyrena's vision came back to my memory. Whoever she had seen dying might not have the luxury of a few hours.

"Thanks," I murmured, forcing a smile, and her eyes narrowed even more.

I didn't give her the chance to ask the questions floating in her gaze, and I turned and walked away, each step heavier than the last. When I finally reached my room, I was almost convinced that there was a ball of lead bound to my ankle.

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