Chapter 4|Rhea's POV

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We stopped in a corridor on the seventh floor. James paced back and forth while I watched him.

     "James, what are you doing?" I asked.

     "Just watch," James replied. A door appeared and James pulled me in with him. It was the Gryfindor common room like I remembered it.

     "Woah! This is exactly like the future common room. But only one thing is wrong." I say and frown. James cocks his head to the side.

     "What is it?" He asked. I walk over to the girl's side of the dorms that lead to no where. I point at the wall.

     "There isn't a dent here. Harry got really angry when I got hurt at a Quidditch match. He flipped a table. Harry really cared for me, as his best friend friend," I added when I saw James's face drop. Oops.

     "Oh," was all James said.

     "James, I don't and have never liked Harry as more than a friend. At one point he did like me but I told him that I was sorry but I was never going to like him that way. He did have a deer patronus but it didn't feel right to go out with Harry, like I was meant to be with someone else," I said to James. I walked over and sat on the couch, in front of the fire.

     "I know, but something feels bad in me when you talk about Harry and you. I have no idea what the feeling is though," Jame said and sat next to me. I yearned to be in his arms. I mentally slapped myself. Don't think that way! He's your Dad's best friend and not to mention, your best friend's dad!

* * *


Ugh! I keep thinking about Rhea. She's all I can think about since I saw her. I know that I don't like Lily now, I could never leave Rhea now.

     My heart tears when she talks about my future son, Harry, that I'll have with Lily. But now Lily won't be Harry's daughter, I hope Rhea will be Harry's father in the future.

     "James... James, are you listening to me?" Rhea's voice snaps me out of my day dream.

     "Yeah Rhea?" I ask. I look at her. Her eyes are beautiful and bright green. Wait, like Lily's eyes. Oh My Gosh, Lily is Rhea's mom!

     "Even if we're possibly soul mates, can we take it slow?" Rhea asked. I nodded. "Also, are you going to ask my mom out?" My eyes grow wide.

     "You know Lily's your mom?" I asked. Rhea nods.

     "Dad got drunk-" Rhea started but I cut her off with a snort. "and started talking about Lily Evans and their, umm..... session where I was conceived," I chuckled.

     "Wait, I was already married to her! But no, I'm not going to ask her out ever again," I yelled and promised. Rhea flinched at my tone and the mention of Lily. "Sorry."

     "It's alright James. What should my nickname be?" Rhea asked. I had to think. "Wait, is James Potter actually thinking?!" Rhea jokes. I fake glare at her and she punches my arm. I grab it in fake hurt.

     Rhea looks surprised that is 'hurt' and kissed my cheek. I howled louder in pain. Rhea hesitated and then put her lips to mine.

     They were soft and fit in mine perfectly. I put my hands on her back and she put her's around my neck. It turned into a snogging session.

     A knock sounded at the door but we ignored it. The door opened and some people walked in. I really didn't care because I was snogging the most beautiful girl in the world but it wasn't just her looks.

     It was the way she laughed. The way her nose scrunched up when she said a spell. What happens when one of us does something stupid, she rolls her eyes but smiles any way. I may have only known her for a few hours, but I'm praying that I spend the rest of my life with her.

     I realized something just now.

     I'm in love with Rhea Jessica Lupin.

     I'm in love with my best mate's daughter. Oh crap.

* * *


Sirius and I finished dinner with me starting at Lily. I've had a crush on her for years but I never made a move because I knew that James had a crush on her. But now I can ask her out.

     "Hey Lily, can I talk to you?" I asked her. She nodded and we walked out of the hall together.

     "What is is Remus?" Lily asked. I kinda melt when I looked into her eyes. She snapped her fingers in my face and I snapped out of it.

     "WillyougooutwithmeLily?" I rush. Lily looked puzzled.

     "What did you say?" Lily asked. I took a deep breath.

     "Will you go out with me Lily?" I asked. Lily looked happy.

   "Yes! I'll go out with you!" Lily yells and wraps her arms around my neck and I swing her around in my arms.

     "Hey dude, not to ruin your moment, but we need to find Rhea and James. We've left them alone for an hour," Sirius points out. My eyes widen and Lily looks confused.

     "We'll explain later. Come on Lils," I say as we run to the first place we could think of, the Room of Requirement.

     I knocked on the door but it was ignored. Sirius walked in.

   On the couch, my daughter and my best mate, James Potter were snogging on the couch. Lily's mouth was open and so was mine. Sirius was rooting then on.

     Rhea took her hand away from James's neck and flipped Sirius off.

     "RHEA JESSICA LUPIN!" I yell. James and Rhea burst apart.

     "JAMES! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" I yell. Lily looked confused at the daughter part.

     We explained who Rhea was. "Lily, you're my mother," Rhea said. I looked closer at Rhea and saw the resemblance. Rhea had Lily's green eyes and body shape. But Rhea had my height.

     "I am?" Lily asked, not angry at all.

     "Yeah. I never knew you though," Rhea said.

     "Now. About you and Prongs," Sirius started but looked at me for permission to scold them. I nodded my permission. "That. Was. Bloody. Awesome!!"


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