Chapter 11|James's POV

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I woke up to someone screaming. It was Rhea. Grabbing her hand and pulling her into my lap, she calmed down and curled into me.

     Rhea's been asleep for 2 days and I have refused to leave her side. Moony and Lily have been helping me keep up with my school work. Quidditch has been harder to manage but that's when I let Lily and Moony stay by her side. They also sit with her when I take showers and go to the bathroom.

     "Come on Prongs. She's be fine for practice. Moony and Evans have to study in the library and we have practice. Let's go," Padfoot said. I looked at Rhea, sleeping peacefully in my lap.

     "Alright. But I'm coming to check on her half-way through practice," I said. Placing her back on her bed, I changed into my Quidditch gear. I kissed her on the lips and left the dorm with Sirius.

     About 1/4 of the way through practice, we all stopped because we heard screaming coming from the castle. We had to listen closely. A girl's voice screamed again. I know that voice.

     "RHEA!" Padfoot and I yelled together. The team got back into their brooms and we flew to the Marauders dorm. Masked figures were in our dorm, torturing Rhea with the Cruciatus Curse.

     The team landed in the dorm, the masked figures on one side of he room and us on the other. Rhea was in the middle, still in her bed. "She must join us or die," a masked figure said. Then I figured it out. These were Death Eaters, followers of Voldemort.

     "She won't die or tell you anything. Don't hurt her!" I threatened. They laughed, humorlessly.

     "What will you do? Tickle us? Prank us?" One of them said with a humorless laugh. The rest joined him in laughing.

     "Or I could do something Lucius. Hello Bellatrix, Greyback, Igor Karkaroff, Barty Crouch Jr., Severus, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Evan Rosier, Nott, Crabbe, Goyle, Avery, Carrows, Thorfinn Rowle, Yaxley, and Gibbon," Rhea said from her bed, sitting up. The Death Eaters were all surprised and took a few steps back. Bellatrix was the only one who stepped forward.

     "Half-Blood," Bellatrix sneered. She had her mask off so it was easy to tell who she was. Rhea got up gracefully and walked over to our side.

     "Wrong, magic blood. Everyone is the same, everyone had magic. Wither they choose to do good or evil with it," Rhea spoke. She sounded wise and knowledgeable. "All of Voldemort's Death Eaters, here at one time."

     Bellatrix took a step back. "Avada Kedavra!" She casted. But it never even left her wand. Bellatrix looked at it like it was insane. Rhea was mumbling under her breath. All the Death Eaters tried to kill Rhea.

     "Rhea, what are you doing?" I asked. She turned and walked towards me, sill muttering under her breath.

     She took my hand and I pulled her into me, protecting her. "Protecting our future family and all of us now," she spoke. "Chaos porta in tempore. Chaos porta in tempore." Rhea chanted. A portal started to grow behind the Death Eaters. "Chaos porta in tempore!" The Death Eaters were sucked into the portal and it disappeared, leaving a key with a dragon and music note entwined around the key.

     "Rhea? Where did that come from?" Sirius asked. Rhea looks confused and scared at her hands. She turned to us with wide eyes.

     "I-I don't know," she said, her eyes tearing up when she saw the Quidditch teams expressions. They were frightened, of her.

     "What are you?" Wood asked. Rhea looks at her hands again.

     "I have no bloody idea," Rhea said. "What have I done?" She asked in a small whisper, sliding to the floor and wrapping her arms around herself.

     I rushed to her but she scampered away. "I might hurt you!" Rhea yelled. I ignored her and wrapped her in my arms. Dumbledore had arrived with Lily and Moony. They rushed to us but Rhea backed away, pulling away from me.

     "I might hurt you! Mum, dad, please, just stay away!" Rhea begged. The Quidditch team looked perplexed.

     "Mum? Dad?" One guy asked. Rhea's face turned white with shock and fear.

     "Please, don't tell," Rhea begged. Lily and Moony turned around to face the team.

     "Dumbledore, we shall make an announcement. It's time they know," said Lily. Moony nodded in agreement. Rhea put her head in her knees.

     "It's all my fault," she kept whispering. I pulled her into my arms. She tried to fight and keep me 'safe' but once again I ignored her.

     "Yes, of course," Dumbledore said. He saw the key and made a silver chain for it. Threading the chain through the loop attached to the key, he placed it around Rhea's neck. "This must be for the portal I heard about."

     "Yes," I spoke. "Rhea kept chanting something and then a portal appeared and the Death Eaters were sucked into it. Dumbledore, she's scared of herself."

     He looked troubled but pushed it away. "Players, we shall explain at dinner but till then, do not tell anyone about this or Rhea's powers. If you do, there shall be dire consequences," said Dumbledore. The Quidditch players nodded and left. Sirius stayed.

     Rhea jerked her head up. "Someone's listening at the door," she whispered. Suddenly the door flew open and there was Marlene McKinnon. We all looked to Rhea for her opinion. She started at Marlene with knowing eyes.

     "You came to see Sirius and see if he was changing," Marlene tried to protest but Rhea stopped her. "Don't try to change my mind. It's what you do everyday around this time because he comes with James to check on me while I was out of it. Yes, I could still hear everything and sense everything. I wasn't in a coma. Now, oblivate," Rhea said. Marlene blinked and then Lily took that as her cue to help the situation.

     "Hello Marlene! We have to work on our Potions homework. Help me will you?" Lily inquired. Marlene nodded and walked off with Lily behind her.

     "I'll get the announcement ready," said Dumbledore and left. Rhea went and got a book as did Moony. I grabbed my snitch and proceed to play a mini game of catch the snitch on the dorm till Moony tripped me for 'disrupting his reading time'. Buzz kill. Sirius went to take a nap.

     There is something with Rhea that even she doesn't know about. I don't think Dumbledore knows what's wrong either.

     But there is one good thing. My girlfriend looked like a badarse taking down those Death Eaters today.

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