Chapter 6|Rhea's POV

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"Come and get me James," I taunted. James flew around me with his broom and smirked.

     "Oh, I will," James said and flew toward me. I laughed and flew away. When I was in the future, I was chaser and Harry was a seeker. It was fun and I flew better than anyone, maybe even better than Harry.

     "What the-" a Quidditch player yelled as I flew past him, a few inches from the ground and laying on my back, looking at James who was flying above me.

     "Hi!" I said and waved my fingers at the team. Sirius laughed.

     "Rhea! Quit showing off!" Dad yelled as he and mom arrived at the Quidditch Pitch.

     "But I'm bored and it's fun annoying Jamsie!" I said and pouted, flying forwards but sitting backward on my broom.

     "Padfoot needs his broom back and the team needs to practice," James pointed out as he flew past me. I smiled at him and he almost hit the stands from looking at me.

     "Oi! Potter! Pay attention!" Mom yelled as James avoided not running into the stands again.

     "Got it Evans," James said as he flew down to the ground. James didn't even pay attention to mom which surprised everyone who hadn't met me yet. I followed James's actions and landed.

     Sirius marched up to me and grabbed his broom. "Don't take my broom!" Sirius said. I laughed.

     "You can't say mad at me Sirius. You know you can't," I said and patted his cheek. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

     "I know but I can still try to stay mad at you," said Sirius.

     "Not to be rude, but who are you?" A tall and buff boy asked. I turned around to address him.

     "I'm Rhea Jessica Lupin. Remus Lupin's twin sister. I went to Beauxbatons but got expelled for hiding the school's beauty supplies. I also nearly set fire to a girls hair when she got too close to me with a curling iron," I lied easily. Dad, mom, James, and Sirius looked at me like I was crazy but I just winked at them.

     "Well that was some amazing flying. What position do you play? I'm the caption, William Wood, keeper," William said. I heard future Wood say that his father was named William.

     "I played Chaser but I believe that James's position," I said and James wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned into him.

     "Actually, I was going to be Seeker this year. I got slower last year and we almost lost the Quidditch Cup," James said with a frown. I kissed him on the cheek and he quickly brightened while dad gagged and mom 'awww'd!' In the background. I blushed and so did James. Sirius chose the perfect time to wolf-whistle.

      "So, now we have a position open and I was going to have tryouts but since your flying is so amazing, you can have the position of a Chaser while James goes to Seeker," William said. I smiled and thought of something.

     "I have to go tell Dumbledore something, be right back!" I said and apperated to Dumbledore's office. He chuckled as I appeared and scared McGonagall. I waved to her.

     "How did you get past the rules Ms. Lupin?" McGonagall asked me.

     "The boundaries prevent anyone from apperating in, not apperating out or from inside to another part of the inside," I pointed out with a smile. McGonagall frowned and walked out.

     "What do you need Ms. Lupin?" Dumbledore asked.

     "Can you duplicate my stuff from the future and bring it here? I just got on to the Quidditch team and I need my practice stuff, school stuff, and broom," I said, using my hands to emphasize the broom and practice stuff. Dumbledore chuckled and waved his wand.

      Seconds later my broom and practice clothes appeared on me. "You're stuff, should I move it to your father's dorm or your mother's dorm?" Dumbledore asked. I had to think about this. I stayed with the boys because I got kicked out of the girls for hiding all their makeup and hair supplies. They gave me my own dorm cause there's no guys at Beauxbatons. Yeah, that seems like a good excuse.

     "Dad's please. I may be a girl but I can't stand makeup or frilly stuff. Girls are just too, umm... girly for me," I said with a grin. Dumbledore let out a laugh and waved his wand again.

     "It's in your father's dorm, next to Mr. Potter's bed," Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eyes. "I love young love," he exclaimed and ate a lemon drop. I looked away and blushed red.

     "Now, I think you have Quidditch practice right now, do you not? I also took the liberty to get you the materials you need for this year and switched them with your old materials. Your broom had to be replaced with the newest broom from this time, when your broom comes out, then you'll get your future broom back," Dumbledore said and I thanked him as apperated back to the field, scaring the team.

     "How the bloody hell did you do that?" James asked. Dad scolded James at his language.

     "The boundaries are to keep people out, not in," I said with a smirk. James and Sirius burst out laughing with the team. Dad rolled his eyes and mom whacked Sirius over the head.

     "Quit acting like children and practice!!" Mom chided as she and dad walked away, arm in arm like old people.

     "I really don't need to see them fall in love!" I said and gagged.

     "Well I don't need to see you and James fall in love!" Dad yelled as he walked up the path to the castle. "You're still grounded!" I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

     "Too bad, I don't give a crap!" I yelled back. Mom turned around, her Evans temper showing that I got from her. I started to stalk over to her and she did too but James and Sirius had to hold me back while mom had to be held back by dad.

     The team had to hold me back and put a temporary sticking charm onto me which meant I was stuck on my broom. I huffed and started flying.

     "Okay, Rhea, you'll play pass with Jake and Olivia," Wood yelled and I did as I was told.

     Wood tossed the ball to a girl, probably Olivia. She sped off towards the hoops and passed it to Jake. I flew towards the hoops and signaled for a pass. Jake decided to pass it a few hundred yards in front of me. Diving down towards the ground, I reached for quaffle. It was still out of my reach so I jumped over a baffled Sirius and grabbed it before catching my broom with one hand. My brown lowered to the ground and my feet touched the ground.

     "Nice catch Rhea. Totally our new Chaser." Wood said and I smiled. I love the past.

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