Chapter 16|Rhea's POV

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"Lindsay, quit antagonizing your brother," I scolded her. She and Harry are now a year and two months old. There is only one month till the supposed day till Voldemort comes and tries to kill him.

     There was a pop and Minerva appeared in our living room. "Hey Minerva," James greeted. He chased Lindsay as she ran away from him, all sticky from a thing of honey. It was James' idea.

     "Honey?" Minerva asked as she swished her wand, cleaning the fleeing child of the sticky substance.

     "James' idea!" Mum yelled from her room. She was trying to get Abby, Abigail Whitney Lupin, into the tub. James looked away and mistakenly grabbed a still honey soaked Harry.

     I laughed as the honey got into his hair when Harry grabbed a bit and put it in his hair. "Harry!" Dad scolded. I scowled and grabbed Harry from James, cleaning him with a spell.

     "Don't worry baby, he still scolds me too," I cooed to him. He just giggled in response. It made me smile and James came over with a clean Lindsay.

     "What do you need Minerva?" I asked, spinning Harry in a circle. It was making me dizzy instead of him though.

     "Your lives," her voice changed into one I knew all to well.

     "Voldemort," I spoke. Reaching into my my back pocket slowly, I shifted Harry to my left hip.

     His face twisted back into his own. "What did you do to Minerva?!" I demanded. He just laughed, it shook me to the bone. It made me want to fall to the ground and fear for my life again just like that time in the graveyard all those years ago. Harry and Lindsay picked up on what was happening.

     "Honey, what's wrong?" Mum asked, walking into the room. His attention turned to her and I fired nasty spells at him.

     "Orbis!" Dad yelled, running into the room. Voldemort was sucked into the ground.

     "Grab the kids and run," James told me. He handed me Lindsay and I ran to mum, dad and Uncle Sirius.

     "Dad? Uncle Sirius?" I asked. They nodded.

     "Go, we'll stay with James and get the important things," dad said. I gave him and Uncle Sirius a hug. James ran towards me and kissed me, slowly and passionate.

     "I love you," he whispered against my lips.

     "I love you too," I replied. He kissed the kids who were getting sleepy.

     "Goodbye Harry, Lindsay. My little prince and princess," my heart broke at what I knew might happen.

     "Please, come back to me, alive," I whispered to him, tears forming in my eyes.

     "I promise," he told me.

     Mum put a hand on my shoulder as we heard a loud cry. We gave all the guys one last goodbye and apparated out. We landed at a safe place, Number 12 Grimmuald Palace. "Mummy!" I sobbed. She held me after we put Lindsay, Harry and Abby in a crib she conjured.

     "They will make it out," mum promised me.

     "But you two didn't make it out alive last time," I argued. She laughed.

     "Exactly like me, stubborn and hardheaded," she said. I gave her a whinny look and then there was a pop and a thump followed by a moan of pain. Mum and I bolted up. She stayed with the kids as I ran to see what was wrong.

     James, dad and Uncle Sirius were all laying in a heap on the floor of the entryway. Mrs. Black was screaming her head off that a blood traitor, disgraced son and half-breed were in her house. "Shut the bloody hell up!" Uncle Sirius screamed at the painting of the terrible woman. Yes, a painting with her personality.

     I looked everyone in the eye, knowing the signs of the Imperius Curse. They will have clouded eyes like they're blind. Plus not respond to something personal, such as a nickname. "Jamie?" I asked. His head whipped towards me and jumped up, pulling me into his musky scented chest.

     "You're okay, you didn't break your promise," I whispered into his chest.

     "Moony," Uncle Sirius snapped his fingers in front of my dad's face. He didn't respond and his eyes were clouded, just like his judgement right now.

     "Uncle Sirius." I whispered. He slowly moved over towards me.

     "What's wrong guys?" Dad asked or more likely Voldemort controlling him.

     "Nothing daddy," I responded, a fake smile on his face.

     "Tom," James said suddenly. They must have remembered the name I told them when I replayed the graveyard scene for them.

     "That is not my name! My name is Voldemort!" Dad yelled. I started whispering the counter-curse for the Imperius Curse but I wasn't fast enough.

     "Avada Kedavra!" Dad/Voldemort yelled. I screamed as the green light coursed towards James' chest. Without thinking, I jumped in front of it to protect him. James yelled as I hit the floor, dazed but alive.

     "What the...." Uncle Sirius trailed off. I looked up to see dad on the floor and Voldemort standing over him with a pained look on his face. I looked at his chest which was glowing green softly, but then erupted into a brilliant green.

     Tom Riddle opened his mouth to yell but it disappeared along with his souls, even thought they were split into seven of them. How did I know this? Well because the curse bounced off of me and killed him, not wounding him like it did with Harry. It was my own love that protected me, not my mum's.

     I killed Tom Riddle, a.k.a Voldemort for good.

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