Chapter 12|Rhea's POV

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After the episode with the Death Eaters, it was a few hours till dinner. I read a book and cuddled with James. He played with his snitch till dad got annoyed and took it away from him. James pouted till I started reading out loud to him.

     It didn't make sense to him because it was in Latin but it's what I like to read. All James did was listen and play with my hair and my hand that wasn't holding the book. Then James surprised me with something.

     "Lunae et te amo te." James told me. It meant, I love you to the moon and back.

     "Aeternum et semper." I said back. It meant, Forever and always.

     "Are you two speaking Latin?" Dad asked in disbelief. Way to ruin the moment Dad.

     "Yeah. I decided to learn it for Rhea. I took a picture of a book she was reading and then Lily taught it to me. I understand this whole book," James said proudly. I felt jealously rumble around in my stomach.

     "Mum taught you?" I asked stiffly. James eyes widened.

     "You're the only one for me. It would be weird to have a crush on her because A) She's dating one of my best mates and B) She's my girlfriends mum. I love you," James's said and kissed me. It was slow and sweet.

     "Good thing for that," dad said and left the room.

     "When are you and Lily going to shopping for the ball?" James asked me. I sighed, knowing mum will make me go shopping.

     "Can I go in sweats?" I asked. James laughed and kissed the top of my head.

     "You're beautiful in anything. Mind if I go in my boxers?" I scrunched my nose up and felt the pain of jealously again.

     "Any girl that looks at you will be in the Infirmary," I said calmly. James laughed and kissed me.

     "Any guy that looks at you the wrong way, can join their date in the Infirmary," James concluded. I laughed and then continued reading the book.

     Finally it was dinner time. "Do the teachers know?" James asked as we got up. I nodded.

     "I believe so. If they don't, then this is a surprise," I said with a tight smile. James took my hand and our fingers laced together.

     "I swear if anyone tries to hurt you or attack you..." James mumbled under his breath. I stopped and turned to look at him.

     "Then I'll have dad, mum, Sirius, and you there to protect me. Dumbledore will probably protect me too," I said. He kissed the tip of my nose.

     "You know me so well," I laughed and then we enter the Great Hall with the flood of other students. Dad was already sitting there with mum. Sirius was making his way over behind us.

     James and I sat across from mum and dad while Sirius sat next to James. When everybody had entered the Great Hall, Dumbledore called for silence.

     "Before dinner, I have an announcement. Many of you know Rhea Lupin as Remus Lupin's twin sister. That is false. She is Mr. Lupin's daughter," this caused everyone to start their own rumors. "SILENCE!" It was quiet once again with only some whispers.

     "Rhea is from the future and was somehow sent back when hit with a curse. There is no way to send her back for more than a few moments so she remains here. The Gryffindor Quidditch team found this out earlier and also that Lily Evans is her mother. Please, she had no choice in this but is making the best out of it," Dumbledore said. I sent him a relieved smile, knowing that I could be less careful with mum and dad now.

     "Freak!" Someone called out. Then more people joined in on it but most were defending me. It still brought tears to my eyes and James shield them from my view.

     "It wasn't her choice! But she's doing her best and living out her life!" Alice Watts called out. She was one of mum's best friends.

     "Thanks Alice," I told her when she sat down. She smiled at me.

     "I wanted to get to know you before this happened but I never really had a chance. Friends?" She asked. I smiled and shook her hand.

     "Of course. Friends," we both beamed at each other.

     Then we all started eating. After diner came dessert. I went straight for the chocolate ice cream. It was too far and James, with his height, grabbed it for me and kissed the top of my head as I ate it. When I finished, I had chocolate in my lips. Getting a devious idea, I kissed James on the mouth.

     When we finished the kiss, he had chocolate all over his lips. "Yum!" James said. Mum was laughing at dad's expression. I sheepishly grinned at dad. He glared right at James and I. James and I waved to him. Just to be funny and obnoxious, Sirius waved too.

     I started laughing so hard with mum, Alice, Sirius, and James, that I snorted like a pig. Everybody looked at me like I was insane. "Hi," we started laughing even harder.

     A girl walked by with her posse. She stopped and looked at James. "Oh James! You have something on your lips. Let me get it," she went to kiss him except I stopped her.

     What I exactly did was spill the chocolate pudding that was next to me down her robes. Then I spilt pumpkin juice in her Barbie blonde hair, turning it orange. "Oops!" I said. The Great Hall burst out laughing.

     "Oh James! You have something on your lips!" I joked. He laughed and acted stupid.

     "Really? Can you get it my loving GIRLFRIEND?" He yelled.

     "Of course my handsome BOYFRIEND," I kissed him and all the chocolate disappeared from both of our faces.

     "Ugh!" The girl screamed. She turned on her heels and and fell, slipping on some water that was on the floor.

     "Watch out Brittany!" Mum said with a smirk. It was the first time I've seen her act evil. I like it.

     "Slut," one of Brittany's followers coughed, trying to signal it to indicate mum.

     "Of course Brittany is! Thanks for noticing!" Sirius said.

     Mum turned to me when Brittany and her minions were gone.

     "So, shopping in Hogsmead tomorrow?"

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